Book Title: Sudha Sagar Hindi English Jaina Dictionary
Author(s): Rameshchandra Jain
Publisher: Gyansagar Vagarth Vimarsh Kendra Byavar
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(3) Saṁsāya (4) Vainayika and (5) Ajiāna. 1. Va fernas (Ekānta mith- yādarśana). Absolutistic prejudice is Ekānta mithyadar sana. 2. fanta faz csfa (Vipar i ta Mithyādarśana) - Pervented conviction is vipar ita. 3. संशय मिथ्या दर्शन (Samsaya mithyadarsana) - Scepticism. 4. Hafa farista - (Vainayika mithya-dar Sana) - Indiscriminate faith in every god and every scripture is vainayika. 5. 34ffan f2416977 - (Ajñānika - mithyādarśana_- Absence of discrimi- nation between good and bad is aj frānika mithyādar sana. S Si VIII/I 6. cantet another at the Ua Tor Chal freagufa - (The five fold mithyādarśana according to fourth karmagrantha. The fourth karmagrantha notices these five varieties : (1)Ābhigrahika (2) Anābhigrahika(3) Ābhinivesika (4) Sansayika (5) Anābboga. 1. 3 Tufacta fyz (Abhigrahika mithyādarśana) - Obstinate insular attachment to the wrong view is ābbigrabika mithyādarsana. 2.3afwife f ight(Anābhigrahika mithyādarśana) - Indiscriminate faith in the veracity of each and every view is an ābbigrahika mithyādarśana. 3. ffatrah (Ābbinivesika mithyadarśana) - Attachment to a view in spite of the knowledge that it is wrong is ābhinivesika.
4. Hist . FABRIGHT (Saṁ śayika mithyādarśana) - Sceptic attitude even towards what is well established is sam sayika.
अनाभोग मिथ्यादर्शन - (Anabhoga mithyādarsana) - What is due to the incapacity of the mind to think and is found in such organisms as have not developed all the sense organs is an ābhoga mithyādarśana. S.J.P. 145 Mithya dersana salya - मिथ्या दर्शन 14- Sting of perverse attitude... Mithyatva kriya - मिथ्यात्व क्रिया - is that which tends to misbelief (perverted faith) such as the worship of untrue gods etc.
S-6/4 Mithyadrs ti-feng fie - The self that is subjugated by the karmawhich causes false belief, is the ‘Misbeliever? (Mithyādrsți)
S-9/1 feugie - (Mithyādrşti) - A being having wrong or perverted faith is mithyādrsti andis also called asanjirin, because his samj fā, though competent to discriminate between what is wholesome and what is unwholesome, is from the point of view of drsti (faith), perverted or misplaced. Vibh. 518
Mithya ekanta - मिथ्या एकान्त - One faceted flasehood. Mithya jhana . मिथ्या ज्ञान - False Knowledge feu 31/14 - (Mithya jirāna) - When the capacity for right knowledge is mutilated there is mithyaj fāna. Mithyā śruta-feia - False hearing or knowledge. . Mithyatva - f ca - Misbelief, Perverse attitude, False faith, Erroneous faith, Falsity.