Book Title: Sudha Sagar Hindi English Jaina Dictionary
Author(s): Rameshchandra Jain
Publisher: Gyansagar Vagarth Vimarsh Kendra Byavar
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Badaraekendriya Jiva
-The plants and trees of the whole botanical world.
Badara kr s ti - बादर कृष्टि - Gross, Frui-tion group of even a weaker degree.
Badara kṛṣṭi बादर कृष्टि Badarakrsti is fruition group of even a weaker degree and sūksma kṛṣṭi is weaker than ba dar kṛşti. Badara-Badara --- Solid, Gross-gross.
Bādara Samparāya - बादर साम्पराय - Ascetic with gross passion. Badar sūkṣma-I-Minute particles evident to the senses as taste, smell, colour etc. Gross fine. Badhaka - Contradictory.
Badala -- 2 =4294967296 Badha -- Contradiction. बहुश्रुत भक्ति
Bahus ruta bhakti Devotion to preceptors. Bahya Bahya an cala बाह्य अंचल
- Extrinsic.
Bāhya kaksa - बाह्य कक्ष Exterior cells.
Bāhya linga - बाह्य लिङ्ग - Extemal
Bāhya parisada - बाह्य परिषद् - Courtiers from outside.
Bahya prana • बाह्य प्राण External vitalities.
Bāhyārthavada • बाह्यार्थवाद - Doctrine of external world validity. Bajubanda - Elbow-oma
Bahya samracana Exterior structure.
बाह्य संरचना
Bāhya samyojana - बाह्य संयोजना
Exterior fabric.
Baja - बाज - Falcon. बाहुबली का पौराणिक विवरण (The Legendary-account of Bahubali) - Bahubali, also known as Gommatesvara was the son of Adinatha
or R sabhana tha, the first Tirthankra of the Jainas. R sabhadeva, according to tradition, was a king, and had two wives, Nanda (some say Sumangalā) and Sunanda. Nanda or Sumangala gave birth to the twins, Bharata and Brahmi, a boy and a girl, the former of whom was placed on the throne of R sabhadeva, when he retired to seek absolute knowledge. Bahubali and his sister Sundari, were born of Sunanda, and the former ascended the throne of Tak sa-sila (modern Taxila), when his father distributed his kingdom among his sons. Bharata had possession of a wonderful cakra (discus), which could not be withstood by any warior in fight. With the help of this cakra, Bharata conquered the earth and returned to his capital. But the discus would not enter the capital (or, according to another account, the armoury). Bharata then took this as a sign that there was still another territory on earth which had not been conquered by him and after reflection, came to the conclusion that there was only the kingdom of Takṣasila, ruled by his brother Bahubali, which had not been subdued by him. Bharata then