Book Title: Sudha Sagar Hindi English Jaina Dictionary
Author(s): Rameshchandra Jain
Publisher: Gyansagar Vagarth Vimarsh Kendra Byavar
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tation (Sukla dhyāna). He quitted the mortal coil and became a Siddha in the last quarter of the night of the 14th day of the black halfofthe month of Kārtika. At present the site of the Nirva na of Mahāvira is accepted near Bihar Sharif in Patnā District, where a magnificient Jaina temple stands in the centre of a big lake. Both the sects Digambaras and Svetāmbaras have voluntarily accepted this place as the spot of Nirva na of Mahāvira.
Dr. A. N. Upadhye General Editorial of
V ira Jininda cariu. Makara sirsa. Ha pitf - Makara Heads. Makara torapa . Ha ateu - Entrance decoration festoon issuing from the mouths of crocodiles. Mana, Dravya, bhāva-41,507, 9479 Mind-Fluent, phase. Makara va hana - HOT 9167 - Crocodile. Mala - 46 - Dirt.
Malausadhi rddhi - मलौषधि ऋद्धि - Where the exudations from the mouth, the ears and the nose have creative properties. Malla - H - Athlete. Mamatva - 49 - The sense of I and mine, Ownership, Mineness. Mana-Anindriya, Antahkarana - 149 - 31f1f44,3777: U-Mind-Parasense, Brain, Conscience. Manah paryapti - 49:9fa-Developinent of brain. Man thana - - Churning,
Manahparyaya Jr ana - 49:9451 -
Telepathy, Mental Knowledge. Manahparyaya - 77: vefa - Telepathy. The object located in the thought of another is called mana (mind) due to association with the mind. Ascertaingit is telepathy.
S-1/9 : 51 - Manah paryaya jiānaTelepathy - The term manah means the object which is in the other's mind. What is that entity which is in other's mind? it is the subjective (knowledge) form of the pot etc. The knowledge obtained by approaching such an object from all sides and effected by the purity of the self is manah paryaya or telepathy.
Raja. P. 44 Manahparyaya Jñanā Rju, Vipulamati - 9:45a tesl, fayefaTelepathic knowledge - Simple/Complete. Manana . 1979 - Reflection. Manica - 42 - A variety of south Indian adhişthāna. Macika - Afaraona - Mañctikā-Like top moulding. Manda - - Mild, Dormant, Feeble. Manda Bhāva - YT9 - Feebleness.
Mandakasayijiva- मंदकषायी जीवLow passioned soul being having dormant or low passions. Mandala - HUSG - Disc. Man dali - HUSHI - Retinue. Man dapa . 4054 - Generic term for a hall which may be open or closed, Pillared or astylar, Open hall.. Man dapa gavākşa -4054 1919 - Balconied window. Man dapa - H154 - Pavilion, Porch, Canopy.