Book Title: Sudha Sagar Hindi English Jaina Dictionary
Author(s): Rameshchandra Jain
Publisher: Gyansagar Vagarth Vimarsh Kendra Byavar

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Page 263
________________ (244) Manoyoga • Ubhaya, Anubhaya . Umasvāti gives the following synHim-394,3761974 - Mental volition onyms. avagraha (receiving), graha, both, Non both. grahaņa, ālocana (intuition) and Mantra - 47 - Magical formula. avadhara ņā (holding). N sū 36 Mantrotpadan dosa - मन्त्रोत्पादन दोष Avagraha is indeterminate intuitional cognition of their respective objects by - Obtained food by imparting mantra the sense organs. T Su Oh. I/15 (Invocatory formulas) for snake bite Avagraha is first cognition after the and the like. instant of the contact of the object and Manus va gati - Herita - Human the sense organ. SSi 1/15 form, The human form of existence. QHf (vyañjana) - What reveals an Manus yagatiprāyogyānupūrvi . object even as a Pamp reveals a jar is मनुष्यगतिप्रायोग्यानुपूर्वी -Tendency towards vyañjana. It is relation of the physical the human state of existence. sense organ with the substance transManus ya loka - halog 196 - Human formed into its sense data such as sound universe. (atoms). Vi Bh 194 Maran a 'samsa - ARMIRIAT - A desire 3tave - (Avagraha) - Avagraha is to die, wishings for death. determinate cognition of the distinctive Maran oparanta - मरणोपरान्त - Post nature of an object, following in the wake of intuitional cognition of pure humous. existence, consequent upon the contact Marumaricikā . 46421fe41 - of the sense organ with the object. On Miragein the desert. the contact of the sense organ with the Masūrākāra. Horror - Lenticular. object, there arises an intuitional cogniMathavasi - Hot - Inhabitants of tion of pure existence. This intuitional cognition then develops into determireclusory. nate cognition of the object. This is Mati - Afa - Sensory congnition, called avagraha. L.T., 5 Memory, Intellect, Induction, Deduc- Avagraha is the cognition of the indition, Perceptive Knowledge. viduality of a thing following in the Matijñāna - Hair - Sensory cog. wake of the cognition of thing in gennition, Sensory Knowledge, Percep eral form of the contact of the sense tual cognition. organ and the object. P. 219 Kinds of Matiji ana- मतिज्ञान के भेद Avagraha is the cognition of an object, which follows in the wake of indetermiअवग्रह के पर्यायवाची शब्द - (The syn nate intuition due to the contact of the onyms of avagraha) The Nandi sūtra sense organ with the object. gives these as the synonyms of P Mi. 1.1.26 avagraha - avagrahanatā (Receiving), upadhāranatā (holding), śravaṇatā ईहा के पर्यायवाची शब्द - (Thesynonyms (hearing), Avalambanatā (grasping) of īnā) - The Nandisūtra gives these and medhā (gradual awareness). fiveas the synonymsof i ha:ābhoganatā N Su 30


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