Book Title: Sudha Sagar Hindi English Jaina Dictionary
Author(s): Rameshchandra Jain
Publisher: Gyansagar Vagarth Vimarsh Kendra Byavar
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(238) liefs and it should be remembered that named Teli near the famous Mountthis fact was impressed on lay dis- Ābu. The following is a list of the ciples. In this connection Nitisā ra names of the Gacchas commonly found obsevres that:
and most of them have become now Trang at Hogi: 1 extinct. 7 : scifa yovellal 94 11811 1. Agama चतुः संघे नरो यस्तु कुरुते भेदभावनाम् ।। 2. Ancala #FRpgfidia: Han tar 11211. 3. Anpuri 75 ft461 7 PROFy: 4. Baghervā la TERCE41951994 faster: 111311
5. Baherhā The Ganas, Gacchas and others that
6. Bā panā have arisen from them, are the grantors
7. Barbgaccha of eternal bliss. There is between them 8. Barodiya no difference whatever in their monas
9. Belia tic and other practices. If a man imag- 10. Bharuyachba ines any difference in the four Samghas. 11. Bha tanera he has travelled beyond the truth and is 12. Bahavabarsba gonecompletely into the world. In them 13. Bhave mdra there is no difference of images nor of 14. Bhavarā ja potential observances, nor is there any distinction in their rules and readings.
15. Bhi mapalli A number of Gacchas came into being 16. Bhi masena in the Svetāmbarasect also. They originated from the different Jaina teachers, 18. Vidyā dhara who assumed themselves as heads of 19. Vijaya their ownGacchas, alleging differences 20. Birejivala in religious practices and holding dif
21. Boresimgha ferent interpretations of the texts of the
22. Brāhmana sūtras, i.e., holy scriptures. The litera
23. Chittorha ture of Svetā mbara sect has preserved
24. Chitrā vala the list of sūris or hierarchs, right from 25. Dashiya Ārya Sudharman, Mahā vira's suc- 26. Dekacharha cessor as head of Jaina Church, noting
27. Dhamdhusha down the important events during their
28. Dharmaghosha time, Therein, we find that after
29. Dobamdanika Udyotanasūri, his eighty four disciples started eighty four Gacchas as well of
30. Gachchhapā la
31. Ganadhara them were created Acāryas by him. This happened in 937 A.D. at a place
32. Gamgesara 33. Ghamghodbarā