Book Title: Sudha Sagar Hindi English Jaina Dictionary
Author(s): Rameshchandra Jain
Publisher: Gyansagar Vagarth Vimarsh Kendra Byavar
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म् (M)
Mada--Pride, Arrogance, haugh
Madhura - Sweet. Madhya-Ananta nanta-मध्य अनन्तानन्त - Middle-infinite infinite.
Middle piece fluent.
Madhya khan da dravya मध्य खण्ड द्रव्य Madhya guņākara - मध्य गुणाकार - Middle multiplier. Madhya loka - मध्य लोक - Middle universe, The central or middle region of the universe. Madhya loka - मध्य लोक - The centre
of the universe there is mount Meru. It is surrounded on all sides by Jambu Dvi pa, a continent having a diameter of 100000 large yojans. Jambu Dvi pa is encircled by the ocean Lavan odadhi, 200000 large yojanas in diameter. This is encircled by the continent Dhatuk i khan da 400000 large yojans in diameter; encircled by the ocean Kalodadhi 800000 large yojanas in diameter. This is encircled by the continent Puskaravara dvipa 1600000 large yojanas in diameter Puskara vara dvi pa is bisected throughout by the mountain Manu sottara, so called because no human being can exist beyond this mountain. Beyond Puskaravara dvi pa there are innumerable oceans and continents, the diameter of each one being double of that of its predecessor. The last continent is Svayambhuramana and the last ocean
is also called Svayam-bhu ramana. The last continent is divided in its middle by the mountain Svayamprabha. The first 21/2 continents and the first 2 oceans have both karma and Bhoga Bhumis. The last ocean and half of the last continent next to the ocean have got only karma bhumi. The rest of the oceans and continents have only Bhoga-Bhumi. Madhura vacana मधुर वचन Sweet and attractive diction.
Madhya bandha- मध्य बन्ध- Bond with a relief on frieze at the middle of a member such as jangha or pillar. Madhyama -- Middle, Intermediate.
Madhya-pada--- Middle syllable, Middle foot.
मद्यपान के दोष - (The defects of drinking) Those who are stupefied with drink have no sense of shame or propriety of conduct nor knowledge of sacred lore nor commendable activities, they are as ghosts owing to the loss of the power of discernment. Yas. 321 मद्य निषेध - (Madyani sedha- Prohibition of drinking) - Drinking is condemned by saying that it is the root of all evils, since it completely deludes the mind and is therefore the greatest of all sins. Owing to the loss of the power of discrimination men commit all kinds of sins, which lead to their wandering in the wilderness of worldly existence. It is well known that wine was the cause of ruin of the Ya davas, Justas gambling was the cause of that of the Pan davas. Somadeva records also a curious belief that some persons after a long succession of births and rebirths, are in the course of time transformed into wine to