Book Title: Sudha Sagar Hindi English Jaina Dictionary
Author(s): Rameshchandra Jain
Publisher: Gyansagar Vagarth Vimarsh Kendra Byavar
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(attitudes of carefulness), Guptis (restraints), Dharmas (observances), Anuprek sas (meditations), ParisahaJayas (the victories over troubles) and various kinds of caritra (conduct) are to be known as varieties of Bhavasamvara. Dr. 35
Bhava sthiti - भाव स्थिति - Birth to death life lime.
Bhava vicaya - भाव-विचय - Respect - ing transmigration. Bhāva vihvala pūrna भाव विह्वल पूर्ण - Conquestish.
Bhāva vipākī prakrti - भाव विपाकी प्रकृति - Configuration ripening during birth to death.
Bhava yoga vibration.
भाव योग - Subjective
Bhāvābhinandi - भावाभिनन्दी - The
welcomer of the worldly existence.
Bhāvaddha - भावाद्धा
The time of
condition of existence. Bhavagara home.
Bhava rūpa dharmi - भावरूपधर्मी - Positive subject.
Bhavasrava1- भावास्रव - Phase influx. Bhavasrava - The appearance of lust, desire and aversion is the subjective influx of karmas (भावास्रव). भावास्त्रव के भेद प्रमेद - (Varieties of
Bhava srava) of the Bhava srava the subdivisions are - Mithy atva, avirati, Prama da, Yoga and anger etc. (which are again of) five, five, fifteen, three and four classes respectively. भावास्रव तथा द्रव्यास्त्रव - ( Bhāvāsrava and Dravya srava). That modification
of the soul by which karma gets into (it), is to be known as Bhava srava, and the other (kind of Asrava) is the influx of karma. Dr. 29. Bhāva śuddhi - भावशुद्धि - Mental purity.
Bhāvendriya - भावेन्द्रिय
Sense qua
function. Bhāvendriya - भावेन्द्रिय - Subjective sense is the purification or the knowing power arising by the destructive subsidence of the sensitive knowledge obscuring karma. (It is) also the conscious attention of the soul (a) caused by it. G.J. 107 Bhavendriya (af) - Psychic
Bhavasrava - भावास्रव Subjective influx, Subjective influx of karmas. Psychic inflow.
Bhavatmaka--Subjective. Bhāva yoga - भाव योग - Subjective vibration i.e. by capacity itself by which the matter of mind, speech or body is set in vibration.
Bhavi -- Potential.
Bhavi naigama naya - भावी नैगम नयFuture figurative purport.
Bhavi jnāyaka śarira - भावी ज्ञायक शरीर - Future body knower. Bhavya - Accomplishable. Bheda Principle of difference, Division, Variation, Difference and non difference or identity.
Bheda - Atadbhavika/Prades ikaभेद - अतद्भाविक / प्रादेशिक - Analysis, Distinction, splitting, Fission or Identical/Regional.