Book Title: Sudha Sagar Hindi English Jaina Dictionary
Author(s): Rameshchandra Jain
Publisher: Gyansagar Vagarth Vimarsh Kendra Byavar
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Phansana - Architectural term from western India for a superstructure of horizontal tiers (Pidhas) same as Orissan pidha deul)
bulk, as it is not particularized. The words denoting numbers are one, two, many etc. Those denoting bulk are much rise, much soup etc. S. 1/16
Bahuphani - बहुफणी
Bahuśruta • बहुश्रुत (B)
Preceptor, Of
versatile study.
Baddha - Embodied. Baddhayuska-&-Age bound. Badha--A blow is beating with a stick, a whip or a cane. It is not injury of vitalities. S-7/25 Baddhyamana - बद्ध्यमाण - being bound.
Bahiratma - The outer self, The exterior self. Bahirbhaga-aff - Exterior, Ex
Bahirmukhi-feet-Extroverted. Bahirvyapti - बहिर्व्याप्ति - External inseparable connection.
Bahirvyapti - बहिर्व्याप्ति External inseparable connection occurs when an example (dṛṣtanta) from outside is introduced as the common link of the middle term (hetu) and the major term (Sadhya) to reassure the inseparable connection between them, thus :1. This hill is full of fire (Major term) 2. Because it is full of smoke. 3. Just as a kitchen (example) Here the kitchen which forms no essential part of the inference, is introduced from outside as the common link of the fire and smoke, to reassure the inseparable connection between them (the fire and the smoke). N. page 13-14 Bahu More Bahu must be understood to mean both number and
Bahuśruta bhakti - बहुश्रुत भक्ति - The worship of the preceptors. S-6/24 Bahutvaag - Multitude. Bahuvividhata - बहुविविधता - Multiplication.
Bakusa --The saint who is not devoid of dependents and whose mind is stopped by infatuation, The spotted saint.
Bakusa - बकुश The saint who is turned towards passionlessness, who observes the vows perfectly, but who cares for the adornment of the bodyand the implements, who is not devoid of dependants and whose mind is spotted by infatuation is called Bakusa, the spotted saint. S-9/46 Bala-Strength. Balabhadra - बलभद्र The elder brother of Narayana is called Baladeva or Balabhadra. In each cycle of time there are nine balabhadras. (c) Strength of body (m) Balapraṇa-Strength which consists of (a) strength of mind (4) (b) Strength of speech (ar) Bala praṇa-- Every organism implies certain capacity for action is balapra na or life potency. Balidos a -- Offering the remnant of offerings.
Balis thaf Sturdy.