Book Title: Sudha Sagar Hindi English Jaina Dictionary
Author(s): Rameshchandra Jain
Publisher: Gyansagar Vagarth Vimarsh Kendra Byavar
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(211) The book is the result of firm convic- texts, resort to appropriate magics and tion and deep research desired from an incantations, a journey to the auspiextensive study of the most sublime cious pilgrimage centres, a dutiful ofand all comprehensive Philosophy, the fering of services to one's parents, a highest revelation made by the allknow- donation of medicines to those down ing Arbat.
with ailments, a tidying up of the deities Puşkariņ i - yoon fount - Lotus pool.
(i.e. the places of diety worship) and the
like. Puşpaguccha - you Tasy - Rosettes.
Yoga - 57-58. Pușpahāra - YoYER - Wreath.
Pūrva sparddhaka - gastos - MolPuspa sambandh i - you w ait - ecules as found in the soul before its Floral.
entity into the 9th stage. Pūrvakaraña - gach up - Prepara- Pūrva stutti dosa - yet aglat ha -
Obtaining food by means of prior praise. Purvapaksa - yote - Question. Pūrvavarti . yaanit - Foregoing. Pūjā - 451 - Reverence.
Pūrvavat - yaan - Priori. Pūjāsthala - 951 PIS - Chapel Pūrva vida - qafas - Well-versed in Pūjya - you - Revered, Worshipped. the pūrvas.
S-9/37 Pūjanakāra - 4590R - Hymnist. Pūrvāpara - gatre - Antecedent and Pūjātisaya - golfarra - Worshipful consequent. esteem.
Pūta - o - Purified. PuranakaranaKala-पूरणकरणकाल- Putidosa- पूतिदोष - The mixing upof Completion/Supplementation period. aprāsuka, e.g. fresh vegetables Pūrana and Vasis tha - (TU 7794 unsterilized water and the like with afros)- These are two lords of prā suka (sterilized) food. Dvipakum āras.
S-416 Pūrṇabhadra and Manibhadra (Top dll (Ph) - 76 77891 HfU19) - These are two lords of Yak sas.
Phaņa - 4901 - Hood. Pūrvaratānusmaranatyāga
Phala - 95067 - Resultant. yoka-JHURM-Giving up recalling
Phalaka - 455706 - Abacus, Panel. former sexual pleasure.
Phala-rasi- 4RIFT - Result set, fruit Pūrvacara - gar - Prior.
set. yenant of 3414 - (The means
Phāli - Alfat - Frustule. of recalling the past life) - A man in recalling his past life through the in
Phāli dravya - sifat 504 - Frustule strumentality of practice of sex-con
fluent. trol, a performance of penance, a study Phālikā pā tana kāla - 497 424 of the auspicious vedic (i.e. scriptural) Sort - Frustule fall period.