Book Title: Sudha Sagar Hindi English Jaina Dictionary
Author(s): Rameshchandra Jain
Publisher: Gyansagar Vagarth Vimarsh Kendra Byavar
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Jaghanya-sthiti-bandha, i.e., minimum duration of bondage in a rational wrongbelieving person. This is Antah crore X crore sägars. One sthiti needs that the soul should pass through everyone of the innumerable yoga-sthānas, to earn one Anubhāga-bandha and then soon, to earn one sthiti. Thus it should go up to the maximum duration of each one of the 8 Karmas, of course adding only one Samaya at each step onwards from the minimum duration. When it has thus gone through the 8 Karmas and their 148 divisions, it is said to have done one thought cycle. Yalf-TATETCH - (Pañcagnisādhaka). The true Pancāgnisādhaka (one who performs austerities amid five fires) is he who has controlled the five fires : lust anger, pride, deceit and greed.
Y.C.P. 411. Pan kaprabhā (449) - That earth which has the colour of clay or mud is pan kaprabhā. Pai cayamadharma - पञ्चयाम धर्म - The five fold law. Paricastikaya - पञ्चास्तिकाय - Five existent corporeal. Pañ cendriya jāti - qofst wifat - Birth as a being with five senses, five sensed genus. Parabhāva - QAYTA - Alien quality. Parabhūta - 4401 - Different. Parabrahma - 4€ - Homogeneous brahman. Paracatustaya - Magee - Other quaternion. Paradātrvyapadesa - Agiga14221Delegation of host's duties.
Parade'sikatva - qafgretora - Enhancementof competence in attracting pupils to the right path. Paradravya-4504 - Alien substance. Paraghāta - 4411 - Annihilation by others killing another being, Other destructive. Paraghata nama karma - परघात नाम 04 - That which causes destruction by means of other's weapons etc. is the name - karma of destruction by others (Paraghāta).
S-8/11. Parajugupsā kathā - 4910241 77 871 – Contemptuous talk. Para kāla - Solat - Alien time. Parā kasthal 20181 - Swing. Para Ksetra. - The other world. Parama - 44 - Supreme Parama agama - परम आगम - Highest scripture.
4 - (paramadhya na) - Do not act, do not talk, do not think so that the soul may be attached to and fixed in itself. This only is excellent meditation. Dr. 56. Parama guru - 94€ - Excellent preceptor THEH (Paramahamsa) - A Paramahamsa is not an ascetic who eats anything and everything like fire, but one who can (like a swan) distinguish between karma and the soul intermingled like water and milk. Y.C.P. 412. Parama Jyoti - PH welfa - Unsurpassed splendour. Parama Nyāya - 44R|PT - Conclusion. Parama santi - परम शान्ति - Unrivalled peace.