Book Title: Sudha Sagar Hindi English Jaina Dictionary
Author(s): Rameshchandra Jain
Publisher: Gyansagar Vagarth Vimarsh Kendra Byavar
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(176) Paramananda - AM - Supreme To attribute creation to deity is not bliss.
consistent with goodness, because with Paramparā - R4R1 - Modulation.
a perfectly good creator there would be
no evil or impurity in his creation; no Parampara gata - ****PIC - Hieratic,
worldly ruler desires bad actions to be Stylized, Usual type, Precursor.
committed in his country, but wordly Paramātman - P4849 - The tran- rulers are not omniscient and scendental self.
ommipotent, and they can not therefore Paramātma - 4649 - Paramātmā prevent such action from being comis described in the following terms for
mitted in their kingdoms, but deity is to the corresponding reasons. He is said be considered as perfectly powerful and to be paramārtha because he is highest benevolent as well as ommiscient, and reality. He is samaya as he is self mani- therefore no evil deeds could be comfesting in pure qualities and modes. He
mitted by deity the creator of the world, is suddha-the pure, as he is free from
for he would not give his creatures the karmas, both material and Psychical.
power of committing such deeds.
The same is the case in relation to sorHe is Keval i because his nature of
row, pain, disease and poverty. If it be ommiscience is unaided by any extra
said that pain and disease are the result neous means such as sense perception,
of the evil deeds of those who suffer He is muni (F) because of the intui- these things, then if deity is regarded as tive perception of reality; and he is the creator who gave people the power Jrāna (FI) or knowledge. Though of doing evil deeds and afterwards these are different names, they all refer punished them for exerting that power, to the same reality.
such a deity would leak the quality of Paramātmā (God) - Jainas donot deny goodness, for what would one think of the existence of God (Parmātman).God
even an earthly father who seeing his is described in Jaina scriptures, But
son about to commit some evil deed and there is a difference between the de
being able to prevent him, took no acscription of Godas given in these books
tion in the mater, but punished the son and the description given in the reli- afterwards for his sin ? gious books of other faiths. The chief
With regard to the theory that God credifference is that while Godis described
ated the world out of nothing, is there in the books of some other faiths as
any proof or argument that can be found being a creator and ruler, God is not so to support this belief ? Apparenlty not; desribed in the Jaina books. God ac
for nature does not show us that this cording to Jaina description is all-know
world came into existence out of nothing and perfectly happy soul with infi- ing; nature does not show us any single nite capacities of activity a pure and
instance where something has come into perfect soul without any material body,
existence out of nothing; everything a being that can not perish or become
that we see anything that goes into degenerate.
absolutely nothing. Physical science has proved that something does not come