Book Title: Sudha Sagar Hindi English Jaina Dictionary
Author(s): Rameshchandra Jain
Publisher: Gyansagar Vagarth Vimarsh Kendra Byavar
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(174) and is in the last stage of obtaining in the last Samaya it is born in the last nirvāṇa, the gods Indra, etc, are said Samaya of a new Avasarpiņi. Simito worship him. These worshippings larly it must be born in utsarpin i. Then are technically known as Paftca - it must die in each Samaya of the two Mahākalyāņa. Dr. page - 114. eras, like the above. The time taken to पाँच प्रकार का परिवर्तन - Parivartana go through all this is a time cycle (Kāla (Five kinds) - Mundane souls wander - Parivartana.)
G.J. 282. in 5 kinds of cycle of wandering - 4.aufrara - (Bhava Parivartana) -
G.J. 281-282. Incamation cycle - a soul is born in hell 1. sau ufak - (Dravya Parivartana) with minimum age of 10000 years. He Matter cycle - It is of two kinds, quasi is rebom again (after other births) in karmic and karmic. No-karma, quasi- hell with 10000 years ago. This goes on karmic cycle is the time which soul as many times as there are samayas in takes in the renewing exactly the same 10000 years. Then he is reborn there set of a particualr number and quality with an age of 10000 years, and one of molecules, as it took once. Karmic Samaya, then with an age of 10000 cycle is the time taken in-renewing years and 2 Samayas and thus at every exactly the same set of a particular birth he adds one Samaya till he is born number and quality of 8 karmas, as the with the maximum age of 33 Sagaras. soul took in once. The time taken in The time taken is called hellish cycle. both of these is called one matter cycle Similarly with the celestial cycle; but or dravya or Pudgala Parivartana. For there the minimum is 10000 years and example a soul takes on a body today, the maximum is only 31 Sagaras, up to with its quasi-karmic and karmic mat- the 9th Graiveyaka. In the subhuman ter. It goes on changing both. When in and human cycles the minimum is one the course of its changes, it again Antar - muhūrta and the maximum is 3 chances to take on a similar body with Palyas. The procedure is the same as in similar quasi-karmic and karmic mat
the hellish and celestial cycles. ter, it is said to have completed one The time taken in all these four cycles matter cycle.
is called one incarnation cycle. 2. arufar - (K șetra Parivartana) 919 oferta – Thought-cycle. InnuSpace cycle - The time taken by one merable units of soul's yoga - sthāna, soul in going once: found every single
Vibratory activity make one anubhāgapoint of space in the universe consecu
bandha-Adhyavasāya-sthāna or a detively, beginning from the foot mount
gree of the passion which determines Meru.
intensity of bondage. Innumerable X 3. Ora afrontar - (Kāla Parivartana)
innumerable, Anubhāga-bandhas make Time cycle - A soul is born in the first
one kaşāyādhyavasāyasthāna, i.e, one Samaya or instant of an Avasarpiņi, degree of passion which determines the then in the 2nd Samayaofanother (next duration of bondage. Innumerable & or any other) Avasarpiņi, then in the Innumerable kaşāya etc, make one third Samaya of a third and so on, till