Book Title: Sudha Sagar Hindi English Jaina Dictionary
Author(s): Rameshchandra Jain
Publisher: Gyansagar Vagarth Vimarsh Kendra Byavar
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(201) said to form the nature of the soul. How cidly deals with, among other things, then what is perceived by them can be the duties of a householder and of a direct (Pratyk shaor immediate) for the monk, the 12 Bhāvanas, Ksapaka - soul?
Śreni, the six substances, the nine Parok sajnana - 474511 - Percep
concepts of reality, Saptabhang i and tion of things through a foreign agency is called Parok sa-indirect or mediate,
the way to Moksa whatever is perceived by the soul alone
. Prašamsan i ya - mitita - Plausible. is Pratyak sa, direct or immediate. Prasamsatmaka - uztair4th - EuloPramā pa pada - 44997 - Measure gistic. foot.
Prasan ga (Ati) - Befatto - Reductio Pramana samuccayavada - प्रमाण ad absurdom. समुच्चयवाद - According to this vada Prasasta - Yle - Graceful manner, perception explicity gives diversity al
Gracious. though unity is implicit in perceptual
Prasastagati - प्रशस्त गति - Graceful truth. Praman ābhāsa - TH109TH -
Prašamsā - YRİAT - Commendation. Shamsimulations of valid cognition, measure fallacy.
Prašamsā - yritt - Admiration - Pramā ņa-swartha/Parārtha- 44147
Admiration is attributing knowledge and
conduct to the wrong believer in one's Karef / 7ef - Valid knowledge own
own mind.
S-7/23 gauge / other gauge.
Prasasta raga - 17 TT - Love and Pramoda - प्रमोद - Joy.
devotion towards Arhanta, Siddha and Pramoda - Yuta - Fervent affection
Sadhus, living according to the rules of as well as veneration in the presence of
conduct, householder and ascetic and virtuous is Joy (Pramoda). 'S-7/11
faithfully following the masters, these Pramukha - 6 - Metropolitan.
are said to be the noble ideals. Pramukhatā . when - Predomi
Prasastavihayogati- प्रशस्त विहायोगतिnance.
Pleasant gait, Graceful movement. Prarūpaņā - 444911 - Presentation.
Prasasti - qafe - Colophon. Prştha bhitti - yofufer - Hind wall.
Prasravaņa - yaqu - Urine. Prasana - HR - Diffusion.
Prastāra - UKIR - Entablature of the Prasama - 4914 - Complete suppres
south Indian vimā na, Dispersion, sion, Calmlessness, Serenity, Tranquil.
Spread, distribution. प्रशमरति प्रकरण- Umasvati's famous Prastara sayya. प्रस्तार शय्या - Stone work Prasaarati Prakarana "Treatise bed. on the Joys of peace of the soul" is a Prastha - grey - Grain measure, Folio. religious philosophical work also pos- Prastha paka - green1996 - The initiator. sessing literary merit. It briefly yet lu