Book Title: Sudha Sagar Hindi English Jaina Dictionary
Author(s): Rameshchandra Jain
Publisher: Gyansagar Vagarth Vimarsh Kendra Byavar
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Prşthabhāga - yom - Obverse, Prthvi kaya - gezichta - Earth body, Rear.
Life in earth body, Earth creature. Prşthabhitti - yo fufe - Hind wall.
Pratibaddha - false - Tied. Prasupta dasa-प्रसुप्त दशा - Dormant Pratibandha - ufarcpet - Restraint, state.
Impediment, Apprehension. Pramā ņābhāsa-TATUNITA - Praticcheda - ufrosa - Corresponding Pramāņa-Fallacy.
section. Prasajya pratişedha - gyva yag- Pratibimbana - ufafas - ReverberaDirect negation.
tion. Prasangadosa- प्रसङ्ग दोष -Reduction Pratijn ā - ufagil - Thesis, Vow,Promad absurdom fallacy inconnected argu- ise, Proposition. ments.
Pratijn a-Anantara-Vibhakti - ufasilPrasangasamā . 471 - Parity 34R / faufort - Proposition-Shifting/ per interrogation.
'limitation Pratara - UCR - Oblong.
Pratijn ā virodha - ufcit fasta - Pratara-Jaga/Rajju - Y-M / The Opposing the proposition. Area-Universe / Rope.
Pratijna samnyasa - प्रतिज्ञा संन्यास - Pratara ngula - YARISI - Square Renouncing the proposition. fingerbreadth, Finger squared Pointset. Pratijnā hāni - yastelo - Hurting Pratara samudghāta - TR 4GAO - the proposition. Area extrication.
Pratikramapa - yfish4u - RepenPratarāval i - yarrach - Trailsquared tence. Expression of penitence by utterinstant set.
ing; my deeds be condoned, is Pratādanā - YAŞAl - Onslaught.
S-9/22 Prathaktva - Yerca - Separation.
ufish401 – Pratikramana - RecountPrathamaksana bhavi . प्रथम क्षण
ing the unexpiated sins and repenting 94797- Arising at the first moment. for them. Prathama samgraha krsti - प्रथम .
Pratikūlatā - ufaracal - Contrariety. Live qfe - First collection text. Felle u - The householder's life Prathamānuyoga - yerhrgento - First
has been divided into eleven stages or
Pratimās. These Pratimāsforma series study.
of duties and performances, the stanPrathamopasama samyaktva-2
dard and duration of which rises periपशम सम्यक्त्व - First subsidential right
odically and which finally culminates belief, First subsidence serenity. in an attitude resembling monkhood. Prthvi jiva-yaituita - Life tending Thus the Pratimās rise by degrees and towards an earth body.
every stage includes all the virtues practised in those preceeding it. The con