Book Title: Sudha Sagar Hindi English Jaina Dictionary
Author(s): Rameshchandra Jain
Publisher: Gyansagar Vagarth Vimarsh Kendra Byavar
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Praptisthāna - Alfa FA - Findspot. Prāyojaka - Peis - Experimental. Praptirddhi - प्राप्ति ऋद्धि - Approach Prayojala rddhi - प्रायोजक ऋद्धि - prodigy.
Experimental attainment. Prarabdha . प्रारब्ध - In course of Prayopagamana - प्रायोपगमन - Death fruition.
by no service, Penitential death. Prarambha Kriya - प्रारम्भ क्रिया - is Prcchana - TESTI - Questioning. indulgence in activities piercing, hew. Prcchana - yeyil - Putting questions ing, slaughtering and so on, or feeling
to others with the object of clearing delight when these are committed by
doubts or strengthening one's knowlothers.
edge is questioning. S-9/25 Prasad - UNIK - Edifice.
Preksamandapa • प्रेक्षामण्डप - ThePrasphutita hona - segafea Effloresce.
Preks agxhamandapa- प्रेक्षागृह मण्डपPratibhāsika - ufauif4- Phenom- 'Assembly hall. enal, fictitious.
Presyaprayoga - प्रेष्य प्रयोग - ComPratih ärya- suicard - Attending sym- manding someone there to do thus. bol.
Preta - ta - A demon Pratitika - urcifarat - Mentalistic or Pretyabhäva tyza - Being after epistemic.
death. Praptisani . प्राप्तिसमा - Parity per
Prausadha - The word prosadha refers conduct.
to the holy days in the lunar month. Pravarta dosa - प्रावर्त दोष - Offering
प्रौषध -Areligeous practice in which food obtained in exchange for other
the lay follower spends a night like a food.
monk. He keeps away from his wife and Prāyah - 914: - Almost
normal family life.
Prausadhopavasa-प्रौषधोपवास-FastPräyscitta - Man - Expiation, Re
ing at regular intervals. pentance of transgressions.
Prausadhopavisa . प्रोषधोपवास - Prayascitta - upitan - Expiation -
Prausachpavāsa is prosadhopavasa, that The removal of sins committed by neg
is fasting on the eighth and fourteenth ligernice or under the influence of pas
days of the Lunar cycle. The fasting sions is expiation.
housebolder discards bodily adornments Prayogakriya - seta 4 - is move.
such as bath, perfume, garlands and ment (going and returning) of the body omaments and spends his time in a etc.
ES-614 sacred place like the abode of a saint or Prayogika - griforet - Causal, Con- a temple or in his lonely fasting aparttrived, Produced by the efforts of hu- ment, contemplating on pure thoughts man beings.
by listening to or making others listen Prayogyalabdhi- प्रायोग्यलब्धि-Com. to the scriptures and refraining from petency attainment.