Book Title: Sudha Sagar Hindi English Jaina Dictionary
Author(s): Rameshchandra Jain
Publisher: Gyansagar Vagarth Vimarsh Kendra Byavar
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Pravesa - Penetration. Pravesadvara - प्रवेश द्वार - Approach
Praveśa mandapa - प्रवेश मण्डप Edifice, Entrance, vestibules porch. Pravaha प्रवाह - Current. Pravibhakta pradesitva - प्रविभक्त प्रदेशित्व - Separated space points. Pravrajya प्रव्रज्या Initiation and ordination, Asceticism. Pravrttacakra - प्रवृत्त चक्र Engaged in yogic practices day and night. Pravrtti-qf-Inclination, Earnest practice, Trend proponsity, Exertion, Tenents, Predilection.
Prayatnanantar i yakatva - प्रयत्नानन्तरीयकत्व - Being a consequent to exer tion, The out come of exertion. Prayoga - Apt application, Usage, Employment proposition. Prayokta - प्रयोक्ता - Agent. Prakrtif - Nature. Prābhrta doşa - प्राभृत दोष giving of food at an improper time, that is, at a time different from that previously determined upon in the mind. Pracinata -- Antiquity, Archaism.
- Vestibule.
Prācira stambha - प्राचीर स्तम्भ - Pilasters.
Pracurya Exuberance. Prādoṣikī kriyā - cìfqant fanel - is acting in anger. S-6/4 Praduşkāra doşa - प्रादुष्कार दोष Carrying the utensils containing food from one place to another, washing the
pots and pans or lighting a lamp on the arrival of the saint.
Prāgabhāva - प्रागभाव Antecedent non existance/Prior non-existence. Praggriva - प्राग्ग्रीवा - Porch projection, same as agra man dapa. Prajna - प्राज्ञ Wise.
Prākāmya - प्राकाम्य Power to act according the desire.
Prakara-R- Enclosure - Wall of a temple.
Prākāmya rddhi - प्राकाम्य ऋद्धि - Free M will prodigy.
Prākkālina -
प्राक्कालीन Antiquar
Prāmānya - प्रामाण्य - Determination of validity.
Prāmrşya or rņa dosa - प्रामृष्य या ऋण दोष - Offering borrowed food.
Prāna - प्राण Life essentials, Life principles, exhaled air, Vitalities, breaths.
Prāņvāna rūpa - प्राणवान रूप - Animated form.
Prangaṇa-- Courtyard. Prānātipata - प्राणातिपात - To desist from killing. Prānātipatikī Kriya - प्राणातिपातिकी fl-is injuring vitalities such as life, the sense-organs, energy and respiration. S-6/4
Praṇāpāna - प्राणापान - Respiration. Breath control.
Prāņ i samyama - प्राणी संयम - Vitality control. Praptif- The power to touch a distant mountain top with one's finger.