Book Title: Sudha Sagar Hindi English Jaina Dictionary
Author(s): Rameshchandra Jain
Publisher: Gyansagar Vagarth Vimarsh Kendra Byavar
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HiciaElfa URUHTHIA - That which (falsely) appears as the practical - di- rect experience (HidraEifa 987) is a fallacy with respect to that. For instance; to take clouds for a Gandharva city or to feel misery as happiness.
P. 2/27-28 पारमार्थिक प्रत्यक्षाभास - That which (falsely) appears as transcendental di- rect experience (पारमार्थिक प्रत्यक्ष) is a fallacy with respect to that. For instance : The (false) cognition in the royal sage Siva, of only seven islands and seven seas in the countless islands and seas.
P. 6/29-30 स्मरणाभास - Fallacious recollection consists in knowing a thing which was not previously perceived to be some thing which was previously perceived. For instance: to take a congregation of sages which was never seen before for one which was already experienced. प्रत्याभिज्ञानाभास-Toidentifyonething with another which is only similar to it; and (conversely) to regard one and the same thing as two similar things; cases like these are examples of the fallacy regarding assimilation. As is the case of twin children. P. 6/33-34 Contato - Induction fallacy consists in finding pervasion, where there is none such. For instance : In the argument 'He is dark - complexioned, as he is the son of Maitra, the (inductive) proposition (is fallcious) that 'whoever is maitra's son is dark-complexioned.
P. 6/35-36 अनुमानाभास - Cognition arising from a false knowledge about the abode etc., is to be known as inference fallacy.
may mo matar - (1) cilat negerit fastaru (2) fariga
ez groffatto 374HC HETTA atau Fallacies regarding the abode are of three kinds viz., that in, which the proven-phenomenon is known', that in which it is 'opposed'; and that in which it is ‘undesirable'.
P. 638 (1) utilfrente e fazlaut - One states to the thinkers of the Arbata (Jaina) school such truths as that the soul exists etc. such a statement would be an instance of the fallacious abode in which the existence of the proven-phenomenon is already known. P. 6/39 (2) farigoa frozen faytout - The fallacious abode in which the existence of the proven-phenomenon is opposed is of many kinds, inasmuch as it may be
opposed to direct experience to inference, to authoritative truth, to popular understanding, to one's own statement
P. 6/40 (अ)प्रत्यक्ष निराकृत साध्य धर्म विशेषण - There is no soul, differing in nature from the material elements : This is an instance of the fallacious abode in which the existence of the proven-phenomenon is opposed to direct experience.
P. 6/41 (a) 374rFRTCON TEZ To faloutThere is no being who is omniscient or totally passionless, this is an instance of the fallacious abode in which the existence of the proven phenomenon is opposed to inference. (# ) 314frican ATEZ eref fastaut - A Jaina should take meals at night. This is an instance of the fallacious abode, in which the existence of the proven phenomenon is opposed to authority.
P. 6/43