Book Title: Sudha Sagar Hindi English Jaina Dictionary
Author(s): Rameshchandra Jain
Publisher: Gyansagar Vagarth Vimarsh Kendra Byavar
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(198) the internal good and bad qualities re- its nature wbich consists in its persisspectively.
tence through the going up of its old WAITOT - Whatis effected by the form and the assuming of a new form. pramā na is its fruit. .
P. 5/1-2 HATUT I Phat mo at ta - It is of two
HAITATA - Apramā na-fallacy is what sorts, viz., the direct and the indirect.
is opposed to any of the other things As regards the direct fruit, the direct regarding a pramā na, e.g., its nature fruit of all the Pramā nas is the anni
P. 6/23 hilation of ignorance. As regards the
True knowledge is to be attained. This indirect fruit, the indirect fruit of the
however is possible through the avoidpure knowledge is (a spiritof) indiffer
ance of false or fallacious knowledge. ence. The indirect fruit of the remain
Hence what is fallacious knowledge is
also to be understood. Now fallacious ing pramā nas is either a spirit of ap
knowledge is what is different from propriation or a spirit of avoidance or a spirit of indifference. P.6/2-6 · (vipar i ta)or opposed to the true knowl4410T 79T at r a - As
edge. In the previous chapters, the the fruit cannot otherwise be under
Pramā nahas been considered with refstood to be the fruit of the Pramā na it
erence to its nature, its member, its
objects, its fruit. The four broad classes is in some respects both separate from
of the pramā na fallacy would accordand identical with the Pra
ingly be. (1) Fallacies, regarding the erwise there would be o tween one's own knowledge and its
nature of the pramā na; (2) Fallacies fruit and those of another person.
regarding its number; (3) Fallacies, P.6/4, 11
regarding its object and (4) Fallacies, The effecct of Pramāpa - 44147 GT
regarding its fruit. P. 418-419
UHIUT as Falth UTARA – The fallacies 469-The immediate effectof pramā na (valid knowledge) is the removal of
regarding the nature of the Prama na ignorance, the mediate effect of the
(i.e. knowledge) are : the view that it is absolute knowledge is bliss and equa
essentially unconscious; the view that it nimity, while that of the ordinary prac
does not reveal the self; the view that it tical knowledge is the facility to select
reveals the self only the theoryof the or reject.
undetermined perception and the fallacy The object of pramā pa · 440 FT
consisting in sam ā ropa or ignorance.
(It would be fallacious to regard as valid facra - is a thing having a nature which
knowledge such phenomenon as) for has many aspects, viz, the general and
instance; contact etc. knowledge unthe particular and so on, because it is
conscious of the self; knowledge, not perceived to have a nature similar to revealing any not self; pure sensation; that of some things (i.e., things of the illusion; doubt and inattention. For they same class) and a nature peculiar to are not the sources of the certain knowlitself; and because it is capable of pro- edge about the self and the not self. ducing effects by the modification of
P. 6/24-26
N. 28