Book Title: Sudha Sagar Hindi English Jaina Dictionary
Author(s): Rameshchandra Jain
Publisher: Gyansagar Vagarth Vimarsh Kendra Byavar
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(187) Prabh ā . 4997 - Lustre.
personal salvation. He is bound to share
the wisdom with others and he must Prabh aman dala - 97914056 - Nim
take with him as many as are willing to bus.
walk the path with him. This necessarPrabhāsvara - y10 - Luminous. ily implies that the englightened person Pithikā - alfo 47 - Entablature.
should not be confined to any particular
place. He must go about from place to Prabha valī - gerast - Nimbus round place carrying the torch of light and an image.
wisdom thus spreading the true knowl
edge and true faith in all parts of the Pota - UTA - Unumbilical birth without
country. This roaming about from place any sac or shell covering.
to place, spreading hope, wisdom and .;: Pota - ta - In the case of young ones charity for the benefit of the whole of certain animals, the limbs are devel- society called Dharma Prabhāvanā, one oped without any covering and the of the essential characteristics of the young ones are able to move about
right believer. This characteristic was from the moment of their birth.
present at its maximum in the life. S-2/33
Prabhutvaka la · - Hege Prabuddha - Tolosa - Staunch.
mony. Prabhāva- 4419 - majesty, First term,
Pracala -Yami - Drowsiness, sleep in Variant
sitting posture. Prabhāvasālī - 4412ST - Virile,
Pracalā-pracalā - YASI-TEC - Glaring.
Heavy drowsiness (Intense steep in sit
ting posture) Prabhāvi - 9101 - Arbesques.
Praca n dana - YoU57 - Anger which Prabhāvanā - 491971 - Propagation
provokes anger in others. of teachings ofjina Publishing the great
Pracaya - Taza - Conglomeration, ness of Jaina doctrines.
Common difference. प्रभावना - The self which mounted on
Pradakșiņā - teleron - Circumthe chariot of knowledge roams about
bulation. as it pleases (shedding the light of wisdom), is to be considered a right
Pradakṣiṇāvarta - saapad-Schebeliever who is engaged in propound
matic curls. ing the Jaina faith.
Pracura sa mkhyaka - sguield - This emphasises the social aspect of Prolific. religious faith. A person who is Pradaksin apatha - Yar 1199 - Amequipped with knowledge of reality
bulatory passage. and who is therefore engaged in self realisation should not be satisfied with Pradesa . GT . Space points, The his own personal acquisition of the quantity of matter, Units, Particle, Event, sublime wisom. He must place the Point. benefit of his achievement at the dis- Pradesa-9641 - Measuring the karmic posal of the other members of the so
molecules with the measure of the spaceciety. There is no such thing as isolated
point is space.