Book Title: Sudha Sagar Hindi English Jaina Dictionary
Author(s): Rameshchandra Jain
Publisher: Gyansagar Vagarth Vimarsh Kendra Byavar
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He was the prince and the son of Asvasena, the king of Banaras. His mother was queen Varmālā or also called Vāmā. He renounced the world at the age of thirty and practised severe penance on the mount Sammedasikhara. It is located in Bihar. The mount is even now called Parasvnatha hill. He preached his doctrine to the people for seventy years and after attaining the age of one hundred years in 777 B.C. attained the supreme state of nirvāṇa.
Tir. 2.
पार्श्वनाथ की शिक्षायें - (Teachings of Pārsvanatha) -Pārsvanatha formulated four vratas-I-abstinence from injury to living beings (Sarva prāṇāti kramaṇa-viramana, 2. Truth speaking (Mrsavāda viramaņa) 3. Not accepting what is not given (adattadana viraman aand 4. (Sarva Bahisthādāṇa viramaņa) non-possession. The fifth vow brahmacarya was later included by Mahavira. The environ mental circumstances, like the laxity in general behaviour and also in the Sai gha, must have caused Mahāv ira to include the fifth injuction for the sake of maintaining the social health and the discipline in the Sangha. It is said in the Mulācāra (7.36-38) that Tirthamkaras prior to Mahavira also preached the need of Samayika and Samyama. Mahavira brought about certain modifications in the practice of these codes of conduct. Tir. 9. Parsva bhaga - पार्श्वभाग - Lateral
Parsvakoṇa-a-Side edge. Paritapiki kriya - पारितापिकी क्रिया - is causing pain to the living. S-6/4.
पार्वती - Consort of Siva of the Hindu pantheon, mother Goddess.
Pāsana पाषाण -
Pātimukhoddesa - पातिमुखोद्देस - Reci
tation of monastic code.
Patra Recipients.
Pātra viśesa - पात्रविशेष - Superiority of the recipients.
Pāvāpura - (पावापुर) Lord Mahāv ira attained Nirvana in a park, near pāvāpura, roundabout which there were many ponds or lakes. At present, the site of the nirvana of Mahavira is accepted near Bihar Shariif in Patna District, where a magnificent Jaina temple stands in the centre of a big lake. Payala -- anklets. Petaka Basket. Pichi--A whisk of the softest peacock feathers, Bunch. Pihita dosa - पिहितदोष - Taking what is covered with green leaves and other such things or even with heavy thorugh prāsuka (pure) articles. Pinda fque - Lump.
Pin dali - पिण्डली - Shank Pipasā पिपासा - Thirst.
Pis tapesana - पिष्टपेषण - The act of grinding what has already been ground to dust.
Pita - Yellow. Pītalesya - पीत लेश्या - Yellow com - plex.
Pitha Socle or Pedastal base, Podium, Basement, Terrace. Polish - पालिश - Embelishment.
Posaka - Outfits.