Book Title: Sudha Sagar Hindi English Jaina Dictionary
Author(s): Rameshchandra Jain
Publisher: Gyansagar Vagarth Vimarsh Kendra Byavar
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(184) Papaliva-पाप-जीव- Demeritorious Parinamika bhava - पारिणामिक भावsouls.
Inherent nature, Natural activity of the Pāpa nirodha - 979 FRIET - Cessation
soul, Transforming phase, Naturally of sin.
transformingphase, The manifestations पापास्त्रव- Inordinate taste for worldly
depending upon the soulalone are natu
ral. things, impure emotions, bankering for and indulging in sensual pleasures caus
पारिणामिकी बुद्धि - The parin amiki is ing anguish to fellow beings and slan
defined as the intellection which fulfils dering them openly or covertly; these
its purpose by means of inference, reaconstitute the springs of evil.
soning and analogy, which develops The different animal instincts, the dif- with the maturity of age, and which
results in well being and salvation. ing senses, suffering and wrath, unde
Anir. 942. sirable thought and corruption of the Parişada - RUC - Courtiers. faculties of perception and will these Parisada (RTC)- They are the friends constitute the springs of evil.
and companions in court, that is courtPāpopadeśa - 441677- Sinful advice. iers.
S-4/4. Pāramparika - roy - Classical. Pārakhi - Yra - Connoisseur. Pārmarthika no - agama dravya Pārsva · mof - Twenty third kşetra - Yr4fefas À BITA 529 - Tirthařkara of the jainas. Supreme gauged quasi revelation flu- तीर्थकर पार्श्वनाथ (Tirthamkara ent quarter.
Pārsvanātha) was the twenety third Parmarthika pratyaksa - पारमार्थिक
Tirthamkara of this age according to प्रत्यक्ष - Supreme gauged direct percep
Jaina tradition. Modern researches have tion, Transcendental.
now established with fair certainty the Parasparika sambandha - पारस्परिक
historicity of Pārsvanātha. He lived Hope - Inter connection.
about 246 years before the nirvāņa of Parigrahiki kriya - ufulfech foten Vardhamāna Mahāvīraand was a Jina. - is preserving in one's attachment to There is no doubt that Jainism prevailed worldly objects.
S-6/4. even before Vardhamāna and Pārinamika - yifufua - Inherent, Pārsvanātha the last two Tirthain karas. Natural.
Vardhamāna was not so much the Pāriņamika - (qifvf4) - Inher- founder of Jainism, he carried the traent nature - The essential nature of the dition of Jaimism as banded over by the soul irrespective of Karmic matter is earlierTirthamkaras.(बुद्ध तथा पार्श्वनाथ) the capacity inherent in the soul. . Gautama, the Buddha is said to have
practised the ascetic practices of the Pārsvastha - 480p Prone to laxity śramana tradition, like pulling the hair and the like.
(KesaLuff cana). and fasting. He begged