Book Title: Sudha Sagar Hindi English Jaina Dictionary
Author(s): Rameshchandra Jain
Publisher: Gyansagar Vagarth Vimarsh Kendra Byavar
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Paritānanta - परीतानन्त - One kind of infinite.
Paroksa --Invisible, Imperceptible.
Parnavali - पर्णावली - Foliage. Paropakārapūrna - परोपकारपूर्ण Philanthropic. Paroparodhākarana - परोपरोधाकरण - Causing no hindrance to others. Parta - पर्त - Coat.
Parva - Joint, Festival.
Parvati yaч - Peripheral. Parvati ya cattāna - पर्वतीय चट्टान Rocky cliff.
Parva (8400000) yrs. portion, Joint, Festival. Paryank Paryapti पर्याप्त Completion, Developableness, Completely developed, Complete development of organs. Parityaga - Abstain. Paryāpti पर्याप्ति - Kinds of capacity to develop, Development, Completion. Pary apta-ff-DevelopablenessThe gaining of the capacity by the soul to develope the different kinds of molecules in to their resultant bodily characteristics is called Paryapti. G.J. 84. Paryapti-Purpa - Apurpa - чaff - पूर्ण - अपूर्ण - Development complete, incomplete.
Paryapti nāma karma - पर्याप्ति नाम -Name Karma of completion. Paryapti nāma karma पर्याप्ति नाम
That which causes the complete development of the organs and capacities is the name karma of completion.
It is of six kinds-taking in of the molecules to form the body, development of the body, development of the sense organs, development of the respiratory organs, development of the vocal organ and development of the brain.
Paryapti nivrtti, Labdhi-чffiqf, - Development finished, attained. Paryapti-A hara, Sarī ra, Indriya, Svasocchyasa, Bhaşa, Mana पर्याप्त आहार, शरीर, इन्द्रिय, श्वासोच्छ्वास । भाषा-मन Development-Food, body, Senses, respiration, Language, Mind. Paryaya - पर्याय Mode, Category - qafa (Paryaya - mode) - The variations of attributes are the modes. Alapa - P. 37. Guna and Paryaya - गुण तथा पर्याय - Guna according to Kundkunda, a trait which is deeply embedded in the being of a Dravya and is therefore called - सहभावी, simultaneous or intrinsic. पर्याय - is a relatively extrinsic feature appearing in a Dravya for a time and disappearing later giving place to another paryaya. It is therefore called 'Kramabhavi-successive or extrinsic. विशेष - Specific.
पर्याय की अनिवार्यता - A dravya may be, at a particular moment, without this or that paryaya but it can never be without some 4-going with it. In this sense पर्याय - is as essential an attribute in dravya, although the former is internal and the latter external. In modern parlance, guna and paryaya together constitute the "what" whereas dhrauvya constitutes the 'that' of a vastu.