Book Title: Sudha Sagar Hindi English Jaina Dictionary
Author(s): Rameshchandra Jain
Publisher: Gyansagar Vagarth Vimarsh Kendra Byavar
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out of nothing and that a thing can not be reduced to nothing. If God created the world out of nothing he could destroy it, and this implies that being can be converted into non being, so that those who worship the kind of God that we are now considering worship a being who has the potentiality of becoming non existent. “But being and nonbeing are contradictory terms and cannot be converted into each other. Nonbeing can not become being, nor viceversa, which is obvious to common sense and to the intuition. Thus the theory that God has created the world out of nothing and can destroy it whenever he pleases is contrary to common sense, contrary to the intuitive faculty and contrary to scientificevidence and to natural law.
(Jainism : Not atheism) Parāmāņu- R414 - An indivisible particle. Paramā nu-Dravya / bhāva. 9414 Gol / 979 - Ultimate particle fluent / Phase. Paramāņu-R414 - Primary atoms, ultimate particle. Paramanu- परमाणु - Whatever is the limit of all skandhas is primary atom (ATU). That same is eternal, unsounding (silent) occupying one space point and of corporeal form. Whatever thing by its very name implies perceptual form is the essential cause of four elements, is characterised by unthinking mūrta nature and is unsounding, that is the atom. That substance which has a single taste, colour and smell and two contacts, which is the cause of sound, itself unsounding which is different from
skandhas though constituting them is parama Paramāņu-kāran a/kārya - 4414 - RUT oorf - Ultimate particle - Causal/Effectual. Paramartha - 447ef - Ultimate viewpoint transcendental. Paramarthasat. परमार्थसत् - Ultimate constituents, Transcendental realm of truth, The very true reality. Ultimately real. Paramavagā dha - 449 - The conviction of a man possessing the three kinds of supernatural knowledge, viz. avadhi, manahparyaya and kevala. Parames thi - HOT- Enjoyer of the highest status. The five supreme soulsArhanta, Siddha, Ācārya, Upādhyāya, Sädhu. Paramukhodaya - sattva · nasa - w elca Hea / 779T - Other aspect rise state annihilation, Paranindā - nefires - Censuring others. Para Parivāda kathā - 94fa791Condemnatory talk. Parapakhandakatha-परपाखण्ड कथाWrong belief gossip. Para pidā kathā - Ruçi fem - Talk, Painful to others. Parapraka sakatva - a rd - Hetero revelation. Para samaya - 46449 - False believers, The impure one. Parasamayi - 444441 - The soul which is associated with accidental and unessential qualities and modes is called parasamaya. That jiva which through desire for outer things experiences plea