Book Title: Sudha Sagar Hindi English Jaina Dictionary
Author(s): Rameshchandra Jain
Publisher: Gyansagar Vagarth Vimarsh Kendra Byavar
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surable or painful states loses his hold upon self and gets bewildered and led by outer things. He becomes the other determined.
Parasamaya sutra - परसमय सूत्र - The sutras concerned alien doctrines. Parasa mgrahanaya - परसंग्रहनय - Ultimate general standpoint.
Para sattva - पर सत्त्व - The nature of other things.
Paraspara vivikta dravya parya yaikāntavada - परस्पर विविक्त द्रव्य पर्यायैकान्तवाद - The composite view of identity and difference. Parasparā bhāva - परस्पराभाव - Mutual non-existence.
Parasparanuviddha परस्परानुविद्धThe intigrated or the indissoluble. Parasparopagraha परस्परोपग्रह means rendering help to one another. Parasta - Vanquished. Parastri sevana - परस्त्रीसेवन - adultery.
Paraspara śraya hetvabhasa-परस्पराश्रय हेत्वाभास - Mutually dependent hypothetic fallacy.
Paratah: By some other. Parasthana alpabahutva अल्पबहुत्व - Other station comparability. Paratattva -- What is other than itself.
Paratva - Priority, Proximity, Precedence.
Paravarti --Successively, Subsequent.
Paravasa - Dependent. Paravadi - Disputants.
Paravivāhakarana- परविवाहकरण Bringing about marriage, The marriage of others. Bringing about or effecting the marriage of persons who do not belong to one's family. Paravyapadeśa - परव्यपदेश - Offering another host's food as if it were one's own.
Parabhūta-- Assailed. Paradhina - na पराधीन Dependent.
Paramarsa - - Consideration. Paramarsa anumāna- परामर्श अनुमान - Syllogistic inference. Pararthaf - Subservient to an
Parārthaniyata - परार्थनियत - Intent of well being of others.
Parārtha śruta (परार्थ श्रुत) - The form of words constitute pramāņa for oth
Pararthānumāna - परार्थानुमान - Inference for the sake of others, Syllogistic inference.
Parārthānumāna परार्थानुमान statement expressive of the reason (i.e. mark or the middle term called hetu) which is inseparably connected with that which is to be proved (i.e.) the major term, called sadhya) having been composed of the minor term (called paksa, signifying a side or place etc. is called an inference for the sake of others. N. 13. Parasattva-- The negation of the nature of other things.
Parasparaśrayatva - परस्पराश्रयत्व Mutual dependence.
Paratantra - परतन्त्र