Book Title: Sudha Sagar Hindi English Jaina Dictionary
Author(s): Rameshchandra Jain
Publisher: Gyansagar Vagarth Vimarsh Kendra Byavar
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(171) No kasaya -79,974 - Quasi passions, Padabheda - YGATE - A fall from the minor passions, Quasi affection station of monastic discipline. Nokarma vargaņā - a farfun - Pada-dhana - 46-677 - Number of Quasi karmic molecules, quasi func- terms, Sum of progression. tional varifrom.
Padah j na-YGETA - Omission of words. No karma - 7064 - Quasi karmic
Padaka - 4625 - Medallious. matter.
Pada samāsa - 9G-HATA - Foot class. No krti - golat - Quasi figuration,
Pada tala - 9 781 - Soles of feet. Unity.
Padārtha - Yeref - Category, Succour, Nrtya man dapa - TI HUCY- Peoist
Syllable, Gauge. ylar assembly-hall, Same as rangaman dapa.
Padma - 45 - Lotus hued. Nukjla - Jaci - Pointed.
Padma ( 41 ) - There is a lake on the
topof Himvan named Padma. The length Nyagrodha parimandala - न्यग्रोध
of lake Padma from east to west is 1000 4f40607 - The upper part alone sym- yojanas, its breadth from north to south metrical.
is 500 yojanas. The bottom is composed Nyagrodha samsthana - न्यग्रोध of adamant. Its banks are made of gold
studded with various jewels. Its depth HRA- Banyan like structure.
is ten yojanas. In the middle of this first Nyaya like structure.
lake there is a lotus of size of one yojana. Nyāya Tattva - RR TO - Verdict, Yojana means of the extent of one Logic, Syllogism, Reasonable. yojana. Its petals are of the size of 1/4 Nyaya and Vaisesikas - न्याय तथा
yojana (One kroša) in length and peri
carp is of size of 1/2 yojana (Two वैशेषिक- They believe that liberation Krošas). Hence the lotus is one yojana means annihilation of happiness etc., long and one yojana broad. The lotus the qualities of the soul.
consists of a multitude of petals densely Nyasa . 2114 - Installation.
packed and it has a stalk of the height
of 1/2 yojana (two krošas) from the Nyasa pahāra . PIRMIER - Not re
surface of the water. S-3/14. turning in full a deposit made by an
Padma bandha - 451927 - Decorative other.
band separating the south Indian Nyūna - 17 - Negative, Short of,
pillarshaft from the capital. Reminiscent.
Padma dala - 48-6 - Lotus petals. Nyū natā. - The defect of insufficiency.
Padma pī tha-YU - 118 - Lotus seats. Padma vallari - पद्म वल्लरी - Lotus scrolls. Padma sila - FOTAI - Elaborately
carved lotus shaped pendant of aceiling Pada 9 - Foot, Inflected words,
Pendant. Syllable.
Padmasana - 44147 - Crossed legs.
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