Book Title: Sudha Sagar Hindi English Jaina Dictionary
Author(s): Rameshchandra Jain
Publisher: Gyansagar Vagarth Vimarsh Kendra Byavar
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logic. This would specially enquire into the several species which constitute the whole genus. Examination of the specific Dravyas Jiva Dravya and Jiva Dravya which both belong to Dravya Genus would be an illustration for Vyavahāra Naya. Rjusūtranaya g which clearly expresses a momentary state is Rju Sutra Naya. This would take into consideration only the present state of a thing. "It is very pleasant now. "This proposition predicates something which is true of the subject only at the moment of the predication such an aspect of a thing is ऋजुसूत्रनय.
Sabdanaya शब्दनय fasten साधनादि व्यभिचार निवृत्तिहरः शब्दनयः (Tattvärtha). कालकारक लिङ्ग संख्या साधनोपग्रह भेदादभिन्नं अर्थं शपतीति शब्दनयः शब्दप्रधानत्वात् (Prameya) Words though differing in tense, vocie, gender, number and instruments may point to the same thing i.e. refer to the same meaning. This aspect of the identity of meaning in spite of differences noted above is Sabdanaya.
SamabhirŪ dha naya - समभिरुढ नय - This refers to merely synonymous which though interpreted account to their derivation may refer same identical thing. Evambhūta naya - एवंभूतनय - That which describes a particular action or capacity of a thing. Though the thing has not that particular aspect at the time of Judging, the name obtained because of that action is still applicable to the thing, according to this principle. Nayanābhirāma - नयनाभिराम - Visual
Nābhicchanda - नाभिच्छन्द - An elaborate ceiling cared with the design of coffered cusps. Nābhiraya - नाभिराय - The foundation of the civilization of law and order was not laid at once. Wise men arose from time to time and kept on enlightening the people. The number of the sages who thus appeared is said to be fourteen, the last of whom was one of the greatest of enlightened men. He was called Nabhi Raya, and was married to a young lady, who has been described as the very soul of female loveliness and virtue. Her name was Maru devi and she was destined to give birth to the world saviour Shri Rsabhadeva, the first Tirthamkara and the original founder of religion in this age. Nābhi rāya was endowed with clairvoyance from birth and effected much reform in the condition of the sciety which was then beginning to form. R-51. Fangs of a
Nāga phana - नागफण snake.
Nali-Thirty eight and a half lava (M) make one nāli.
Nagnya Nakedness. Nama (4) Name - Giving a name to an object irrespective of its qualities for the sake of social intercourse is naming. S 1/5. Nama Names or is named by this is name. Nama Jiva (1) - Name soulto call something as a soul irrespective of its qualities is name soul. S-1/5. Namapratyayah - नाम प्रत्यय: - means the species of karmas indicated by the S-8/24.