Book Title: Sudha Sagar Hindi English Jaina Dictionary
Author(s): Rameshchandra Jain
Publisher: Gyansagar Vagarth Vimarsh Kendra Byavar
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(165) that he is ignorant. This is concealment aquifa ferita - Some of these, after of knowledge.
having once come out of the Nigoda Nigamana . FM - Conclusion, De- condition and entered into higher forms duction.
of life, again fall back into the condition Nigoda - Farmita - The lowest part of the of Nigoda. These are called agita frita. universe, the lowest state of develop- or इतर निगोद. while those infinite souls ment of soul, that which is always the
who have so far never entered in to any abode of infinite souls is called nigoda condition of life higher than that of the group of vegetable kingdom.
Nigoda, are called for frig. frits - There are innumerable spheres
famita - Nigoda is thus explained in the (TTC S) in the universe and in each
sanskrt tika of Gommatas āra - sphere there are innumerable reservoirs
- Freni, Ti - fi, hi, fara**117 (frica S) of Jivas; and in each such,
Jani grafa farilgai G.J. 118. again there are innumerable lives or
That which is always the abode of insouls (Hira S) From this infinite res
finite souls is called 'Nigoda'. ervoir or rather from the particular part
The common differentia of common which lies immediately below animal
(group) souls is said to be common food life, that is the vegetable kingdom
and common respiration. In that com(aufa tife), there emerge souls to mon body) when one soul dies there is makeup deficiency caused by the eman- the death of infinite souls (with it), cipation of the souls that achieve 79 (While) when one is bom there is the from time to time.
birth of infinite souls there. "The store bouse of unevolved Jivas is G.J. 118-119. Gāth X-192-193. the region called for its where an infi- AI FAMIG - Group souled vegetables. nite number of them exist from all
G.J. 119. eternity. The निगोद is the portion of the एक निगोद जीव के शरीर में रहने वाले जीवों universe situated bellow the hells. Here ariel - From the substance point of evolution is alomost at a standstill and view(the number of souls, inone Nigoda is proceeding slowly as to be almost body) seen (by the omniscient) are inimperceptible.From this condition Jivas finite times the number of all liberated are constantly passing into the higher souls of and (the number of instants of) states of evolution. (Champat Rai Jain's all past time. "Key of knowledge"). P. 715. Nigoda-Anitya, nitya - FPIT-3IFT, fring - The group souled vegetable FR - Vegetable life-non eternal, eterkingdom is called Nigoda.'
nal. HTETUT - Those multitudinous souls
Nigoda ji iva - friguita - Minute that have their body, nourishment and
living being, vegetable life. age in common are called host souls (Sadhārana). They take their birth to
Nigraha - Free - Refraining, Curbing. gether, live together and die together.
Nigraha doşa . Fue aho - Defect of Their life span is very short.