Book Title: Sudha Sagar Hindi English Jaina Dictionary
Author(s): Rameshchandra Jain
Publisher: Gyansagar Vagarth Vimarsh Kendra Byavar
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(3) The all merciful attitude of the great spiritual harmony known as kṣāyika Abhaya Dāna.
(4) Even after relinquishing all kinds of good and nourishment, in order to maintain the Sarira for a time there is the incoming or assimilation of subtle physical priniciples. This is kṣayika labdhi gain or income after Kṣāyika
(5) Then this happy event introduced by Indras such as showing flowers over head is kṣayika Bhoga. This is the consequence of complete annhilation of Bhogāntarāya karma. (6) Similarly the introduction of Simhasana (lion thrones) Chatra, Camara etc. (umbrella etc.) is kṣāyika upabhoga which is the consequence of destruction of Upabhogāntarāya karma.
(7) Then the realisations of omnipotence. Ananta v irya which is the result of complete eradication Viryantarāya karma.
(8) Then by this complete destruction of the seven Mula Prakrtis (fundamental karmas) happens kṣayika Samyaktva absolute belief in the true nature of reality.
And finally kṣāyika caritra. This implies the absolutely self determined thought activity of the pure and perfect person siddha or Arhanta. This thought activity is again the consequence of absolute emancipation from all Upadhis.
सप्त प्रकृतियाँ - The real immediate condition of salvation is the suppression or annihilation of the Sapta Prakrtis or seven fundamentals.
Nava nava samvega - नव नव संवेग Ever growing fear of a worldly life. Nava padartha - - Nine fundamentals.
Navaka samaya prabddha - नवक समय Newly instant effective bond. Nāla man dapa - नाल मण्डप - Same as valanaka or covered stepped entrance. Nava-ranga mahaman dapa - - रङ्गमहामण्डप - Maha mandapa with four central and twelve peripheral pillars so arranged as to enclose nine bays. Navini krta--- Rejuvenated, Renovated.
Navonmeşa - नवोन्मेष - Innovatio Naya नय Stand point, Parlia glimpses, purport, Paralogism. Naya (7) Standpoints - The nayas are the divisions of pramānas. Pramāņa is the source or origin of naya. Accepting knowledge derived from pramāņṇa ascertaining one particular state or mode of a substance is naya. Naya is a partial view.
A consistent comprehension of a particualrelement in reality having many determinants by assigning a proper reason (i.e context) is the naya. Sarva. P. 78.
Naya (7) - Naya is the device which is capable of determining truly one of the several characteristics of an object (without contradiction) from a particular point of view. S-1/33. Nayavada - नयवाद - The method of standpoints, The theory of standpoints. Naya - नय A naya is defined as a particular opinion (अभिप्राय or अभिमत ) or a viewpoint- a view point which does