Book Title: Sudha Sagar Hindi English Jaina Dictionary
Author(s): Rameshchandra Jain
Publisher: Gyansagar Vagarth Vimarsh Kendra Byavar
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(137) Akalamka, and Tattvārtha śloka- Among later miscellaneous writers vārtika. “both polemical works of great Rājasekhara (1348 A.D.) wrote value to advanced students of Jaina “Panjikā” on “Ratnakarāvatārika of Philosophy.
Ratnaprabha and Jinachandra (1350) A 6. Māņikya nandin - another Digambar "tippaņa" on the same. The age may be author of the 9th century who wrote said to have closed with Guna Ratna. “Pariksā mukha sūtra," a manual of (1409) who has witten a very lucid and Jaina logic.
exhaustive commentary on the (IV) The next and for our purpose the “Saddarshana Samuccaya" of last period of Jaina Philosophy extends Haribhadra. from devasūri and Hemacandra (12th PLIGTG at sfaere - century A. D.) to Gun ratna (15th cen- Only one or two passages have been tury A.D.) Devaūri (1086-1169 A.D.) traced in the Jaina canon which contain - Dr. Satis chandra) An elder contem- a reference to the Syadvāda. They ocporary of Hemacandara wrote
cur in the Bhgavat isūtra andare quoted "Pramāna-naya-Tattvālokālamkāra”
by the author of the past who says : and its commentary “Syadvāda
"सर्वनयानां जिनप्रवचनस्यैव निबन्धनत्वात् Ratnākara." 2. Hemcandra - (1088 - 1172 A.D.) a
किमस्य निबन्धनमितिचेत् - उच्यते । निबधनं contemporary of Devas uri.Amostvo- चास्य"आया (Skt. आत्मा) भन्ते नाणे ( = skt. luminous writer who besides writing Fri) 3 (351F)" gfa farsit some Dvātrim šikas “on the model of गौतमस्वामिना पृष्टो व्याकरोति 'गोदमा णाणे Siddhasena - Divākara's similar works नियमा
दात्मनि wrote a work on Jaina Logic called
ज्ञानस्यान्यव्यतिरेकेण वृत्त्यदर्शनात्।आया पुणसिय “Pramāņa Mimāṁsā," and further,
(= skt. PIIT) où fra FHU." he provided the Jaina readers with stan
The Syādvād as found in the dard works on Vyākaraṇa and Alamkāra to replace those composed
Bhagvat isūtra consists of three propoby Brāhmaṇas. He is therfore, called
sitions only - those of 3ft (affirma“Kalikāla Sarvaj fra "for his versatility
tion), नास्ति (Negation) and अवक्तव्य Ratnaprabhasūri(1181 A.D.). He wrote (Indescribability) This "T|441 37090nt ‘Syad vāda Ratnākarā vatārikā, if & 34741 (31154), WRISTE À 3740 shorter commentary on the Syadvād (7 319), ngapa Biga Tahoo ratnākara” on Pramāṇanayat- (37776 ) 3116 fa uit 3 fira" sfa. attvālokālamkāra.
Among other early references we have Mallisen asuri (1292 A.D.). The author
one in Bhadrabāhuś "Sūtrākrtanga - of one text the Syādvadmanjar i which Niryukti”, and another in "Tatvārtha is mainly a review of Brahma, Baudha
Bhā sya" which has already been noted. and Cārvāk, systems in the shape of a Later, the doctrine is found in its fully commentary of Hemcandra's “Anyayo
developed form of seven propositions gavya vaccheda Dvātrim šikā.
in the “Pravacana - sāra" and