Book Title: Sudha Sagar Hindi English Jaina Dictionary
Author(s): Rameshchandra Jain
Publisher: Gyansagar Vagarth Vimarsh Kendra Byavar
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omniscient need not apply his mind and think. It is therefore held that in case of omniscient, the function of dhyāna is to stop his physical activity, both gross and subtle, during the last few moments of his worldly existence which are immediately followed by final emancipation. Total stoppage of activ. ity leads to the total stoppage of the inflow of new karmic matter and the soul, on the total dissociation, during the few moments, of all karmic matter bound in the past attains final emancipation.
S.J.P. 282. pofseta ta chiara 37 - The prerequisite practices for dharma dhyāna). Jinabhadra expounds four pxrequisite practices for Dharmadhyāna- (1) The regular study for the achievement of steadiness and purification of the mind. (2) The Purification of the attitude (darśana) for the sake of removing the delusion. (3) The right conduct (cāritra) for the purpose of stopping the inflow of new karmic matter and the destruction of the accumulated one, and (4) non-attachment (vairāgya) for acquiring steadfastness - for qualifying oneself for dharma-dhyāna.
Dhyanašataka 30-34 35-36. ध्यान कास्थान(place for concentration) - For the beginner it is necessary that he should select a lonely place for his concentration. For those who have achieved control over themselves by the practice of the four factors, there is no necessity of selection of place. One can attain the highest state of concentration in any place at any time and in any posture. Dhyānašataka 35-36. EZT ATU ITFT(Posture for concen- tration) - One may select any posture (āsana) according toone's convenience.
219 at Fort Tore (The state of spiritual development for dharmadhyāna) - The Dharma dhyāna is possible only in the seventh stage where there is absolute absence of spiritual inertia (pramāda) and the full expression of selfcontrol, on in the still higher stages up to the twelfth. Dhyānašataka 63. Tattvārtha IX 37-8. According to Akalamka this Dhyāna is possible from the fourth up to seventh stage. The ground given is that when the soul has attained right vision (samyaktva) in the fourth stage there is no reason why it should not be capable of this dhyāna. This Dhyāna is not possible in the eigth and the higher stages because it is held that it is not possible in either of two laders (sreņis).
S.J.P. 284. uur - Prāņāyama · breath - control. FIER – Pratyā hāra - withdrawl of the mind. Herritara - Samarasī bhāva. State of equality pestantur - Eki karan a - Unification. शुभचन्द्र के अनुसार चार प्रकार का ध्यान - (Four types of Dhyāna according to subhacandra) - Subhacandra records four types of Dhyāna viz. Pindastha, Padastha, rūpastha and rūpātīta.
Jitānārņava XXXVII-XL. fousta 82119 - (Pindastha dhyāna) - In the pindastha, one is required to concentrate upon five imaginary objects in the following way(1)One should imagine a vast ocean as big as the world inhabited by animal life (tiryagloka) with a thousand - petalled golden lotus