Book Title: Sudha Sagar Hindi English Jaina Dictionary
Author(s): Rameshchandra Jain
Publisher: Gyansagar Vagarth Vimarsh Kendra Byavar
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It is a rule that man's thoughts take the tinge of the things towards which his thoughts are directed and by thinking of the attributes of diety, man's condition is improved and his spiritual nature is developed and he ultimately reaches the stage where he begins to realise that the attributes of deity are also his attributes. Attributes latent in man; but that owing to worldly desiresand aversions these divine qualities are obscured in man. So that while external deity neither gives anything to anybody nor takes away anything from anybody, still the worship of deity is a means whereby one's own spiritual nature can be developed and it is therefore most beneficial to worship deity in this sense. Devatva-Card - The very essence of divinity consists in the sense of freedom, The gods alone are truly free! They have no work left to be done; there are no worries; no anxieties, to mar their immeasurable peace. No private loves and hatreds remain to sway them now in one way and again in another. They are at all times filled with such happiness thatcannot be described in words. And it is not that they have taken a leap in the dark or bought a pig in a poke. They have deliberately worked for their ideal and status, life after life, steadfastly and with unswerying fidelity. They could have gone back at any time, if they did not know that happiness lay that way. As a matter of fact, ascetics feel such joy, when on the higher rungs of the ladder, that they cheerfully endure all kinds of suffer- ings to attain to it finally. Pure spirit is very different kind of substance from matter and flesh. It needs no healthy exercises to keep itself fit. It needs no
food, nor does it ever feel miserable or bored. Devakulikā - cafe107 - Surrounding chapel, small shrine, Subsidiary shrine facing 'bhamti. Deva āyu - da 37 - Divine age. Devacchandaka-देवच्छन्दक - The dias of jewel. Devagati - caufa - Celestial form, Celestial state of existince, Divine life course. Devagati prayogya nupūrvi - Taula
ergat - Transmigrating force tending to celestial state. Deva koştha - da ne - Niche - containing image, Bracket. Deva mū dhatā - a - Devotion to false divinity, Common follies. Devi - devatā -691- Can - Pantheon. Devatābhāsa- CAMTA - False deity. Devavimāna - tafahrt - Celestial place. Devī kathā - 991-22 - Goddess gossip. Digambara-farop - A sect of jainas, sky clad, possessionless, naked jain monk. free - (Digamberas) - The ideal ascetics of this sect are naked. They possess a small bunch of peacock feathers (piccha) for the purpose of delicately moving aside living insects etc. If there be any before sitting on a ground or a plank. They also carry a kamandalu or a kind of wooden pot for water which they carry when they go out to answer the calls of nature. They take food only once by the use of their palms joined together to serve as a plate.