Book Title: Sudha Sagar Hindi English Jaina Dictionary
Author(s): Rameshchandra Jain
Publisher: Gyansagar Vagarth Vimarsh Kendra Byavar

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Page 166
________________ (147) Dravya parivartana - द्रव्य परिवर्तन - Dravyatma द्रव्यात्मा -Jivaand Ajiva Cycle of matter. both are substances, hence are called Dravya - paryaya - 509 - Sub- Dravyātmā. stance cum mode. Dravyendriya - qarse - Physical Dravya punya - Go quer - As con- sense, Sense qua substance. ditioned by this there is the correspond- Dravyendriya - salisa - The subing objective righteousness of Karmic stance sense organ. matter or Dravya Punya. Dravyendriya - Salfsen - The objecDravya punya -5o you - The Karmic tive sense is the physical organ formed matter facilitating the purity of heart. by the operation of the body making Dravya samvara.Golia? - Obstruc karma. tion of karmic inflow. Drsta.Ge - Perceived. Dravya sakti- द्रव्य-शक्ति - Substantial Drstānta - ÇER - Example. capacity. Drstantabhasa - दृष्टान्ताभास - False Dravya višeşa - 50 fasta - Excel example. lence of the thing given. Drstivisarddhi- दृष्टिविष ऋद्धि - DeDravyayoga - Objective vibration i.e. stroying with a mere look, where a mere the actual vibrating of the spatial units glance suffices to destroy the effectivity (prade's a) of soul. of a poison. Dravyātmaka - 5241646 - Objective. Dravyatva - gora - Substantiality. Dravyarthikanaya - Gereformeel - Dravyayoga • द्रव्य योग - Objective Object based naya. The aspect of sub vibration. stance, Stand point of substance, Real Duhkha - G:0 - Suffering, Unhappiaspect standpoint. ness, Pain. Dravyarthika naya - (galefa77) Duhkh (G:a) - Feeling of pain. Standpoint of substance. It refers to the Duhkha nirodha - Gia FARTET - Cessageneral attributes of a substance. tion of sorrow. Dravyasrava - Gauteng - Karmic inflow, Objective influx, Physical cur Duhkha nirodhagaminī pratipadā. rent of karmas. दुखनिरोधगामिनी प्रतिपदा - Path leading to द्रव्यास्त्रव - That influx of matter which the cessation of sorrow. causes jñānāvarn iya etc. is to be Duhkhadāyaka - G:GG14- Pain inknown as Dravyāsrava as called by the carnate. Jina and possessing many varieties. Duhkharūpa - 8:0*- Irksome, Dr. 31. Disastrous. Dravyasrava - Goulara - As the con Duhkhahanata - दु:खहानता - End of comitant of these effective states suffering. Karmic matter flows in towards the Duhkha samūdaya - G:G4GH. soul, which flowing is Drayāsrava or Causal chain of sorrow. the physical current of Karmas.


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