Book Title: Sudha Sagar Hindi English Jaina Dictionary
Author(s): Rameshchandra Jain
Publisher: Gyansagar Vagarth Vimarsh Kendra Byavar
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दर्शनिक रचनाओं का इतिहास - The history of the Philosplical writings of Jainism may be divided into the following periods.
(I) The period of the canonical works, many of which were composed before the Christian era, and some were added in the interval between the composition and the final reaction of the texts. To this early period belong speculations about the many sidedness of reality, about the spirit and nature of matter and affection of the former by latter. (II) Next comes the age of the beginnings of systematic works of which the earliest writers are Umäsvāti and Kundakundācārya.
(1) Umāsvāti is claimed as a Digambara by the Digambaras and as a Svetambara by the Svetāmbaras. He was either too high-souled to belong to either of the two warring sects, or, what is more probable, by his time the sects had not ranged themselves in hostile or separate camps. He belongs to the first century A.D. His great work "Tattvärtha Sutra has had the honour of becoming a basis of numerous commentaries and subcommentaries both of the Svetambara and the Digambar sect. The Bhāṣya on the Sutras is regarded as Umāsvatis own composition by the Svetambaras, while the Digambaras attrilute to him only the Sutras. Among the numerous commentaries and subcommentaries of the sutras the following may be noted as chief: The "Bhāsya" by Umāsvāti himself or some other writer of the
Svetambara sect, "Sarvarthasiddhi" (Digambara) of Pujyapada Devanandi (5th Centery A.D.) "Gandhahasti Bhasya" attributed to Samanta bhadra "Rajavartika" by Bhatta Aklanka (Digambara 8th century A.D.) and Ślokavārtika by Vidyanandi (Digambara. 9th century) A.D.) (2) Kusndakunda-aneminent Digambar writer also of the Ist century A.D. His most famous works are Samayas āra, Pravacanasara and Pañcāstikāya. (III) The third period which opens with Siddhasena Divakar ($ vetrāmbar) and Samantabhadra (Digambara) is the golden age of Jain Philosophy. These two writers recognising the fact that the use of Samskrt for Jaina works was as much a need of their times as that of Prakrt was of the age of Mahavira, wrote in Samskrt and their example was followed widely by later writers on Jaina Philosophy. Siddhasena
Samantabhadra Haribhadra
Bhatta Akalamka or Akalamka DevaA famous Digambar writer of the latter part of the 8th century wrote the monumental "Rājvārtika" on the "Tattvärtha sutra" of Umaswati and Astasati", a commentary of Samanta bhadras "Apta Mimamsā." He also wrote "Nyaya vinis caya, "Tattvärtha Vārtika - vyakhyānalaṁkāra and numerous other
5. Vidyanand is, Digambar writer of the early part of the 9th ontury A.D. He wrote a commentary called "Aṣṭasahasri" on the "Astasati" of