Book Title: Sudha Sagar Hindi English Jaina Dictionary
Author(s): Rameshchandra Jain
Publisher: Gyansagar Vagarth Vimarsh Kendra Byavar
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Kinds of tapa.
- The means
for obtaining nirjarā is tapas which is of two mainforms, outer and inner. Each of these is again of six different kinds. These are (a) Outer tapas consiting of (1) Anasana (2) avamaudarya (3) Vṛtti parisaṁkhyā, (5) vivikta sayyāsana (6) KāyaKlesa. (b) Outer consisting of - 1. प्रायश्चित्त - Prāyaścitta, 2. विनय Vinaya, 3. - Vaiyāvṛtya, 4. स्वाध्याय- Svādhāya, 5. व्युत्सर्ग Vyutsarga, 6. - Dhyana. ( 1 ) अनशन is abstaining from food. To obtain control over the senses and will, to root out desires and appetites, to destroy karmas, to facilitate meditation and to study peacefully the scriptures, fasting is the means and fasting in order to secure such results is ana sana vrata. 2. अवमौदर्य - To sustain control to the will and the senses, to regulate disorders of vata, pitta and śle sma, the humours of the body, to secure self knowledge and meditation, eating with a limit or a little less than normal is अवमौदर्य.
3. वृत्तिपरिसंख्यान - In order to control the will which would by nature hanker after all the objects of taste, limiting the number of items of Dharma or in the case of Bhikshus, resolving in one self to accept food only from a particular house is वृत्तिपरिसंख्यान or numbering or limiting the items of food.
4. रस परित्याग - In order to control the flesh to get rid of drowsiness and sleep, to promote cleanness of thought, abstaining from fatty and sweet substances is रसपरित्याग or relinquishing sweet es
5. विविक्त शय्यासन - To have ones bed, in separate and vacant rooms or caves or on rocks free from insect pests is विविक्त शय्यासन or lonely bed. The place must be free from insect pests in order that the person may have peace of mind, preparatory to meditation and separate beds of course to avoid temptations of the flesh.
6. कायक्लेश - Getting the body ennured to pain and suffering by standing in the sun, living under a tree and sleeping in the open in the winter cold etc, is kāyaklesa or mortification of the body. This will harden the body and make the person fit for the arduous task of religious life. How is this kaya klesa different from what is known as Pari şaha Jaya or the victory over troubles? The latter means overcoming the suffering due to the natural environment; whereas the former is voluntary training of the body. If it is voluntry why is it called outer tapasa. Because it pertains mainly to physical objects, next inner tapas. Because the object is mainly to control the mind. These are called inner tapas. Inner tapas -
1. प्रायश्चित्त is removing the evil ideas that are born of intoxication of woldliness.
2. विनय is humility towards Gurus and
3. वैयावृत्त्य Personal attendance and other kinds of service to Munis who are weary, sick or infirm.
4. स्वाध्याय is quickening of thoughts by concentration.
5. व्युत्सर्ग- Renouncing the belief that this body is mine, is Vyutsarga or isolation of self.