Book Title: Sudha Sagar Hindi English Jaina Dictionary
Author(s): Rameshchandra Jain
Publisher: Gyansagar Vagarth Vimarsh Kendra Byavar
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Tivra -- Intense, Acute. Tivra kas āya - तीव्र कषाय - Intense affection.
Ti vra pariņ āma - तीव्र परिणाम - Intense feelings, Intense transform. Tivrabhava -- Intensity. Tora ṇa--Ornamental entrance of numerous varieties and designs. Pediments arch, Arch.
Torana sajjā - तोरणसज्जा traves display. Trpti-fa-Gratification.
Trn asparśa parisaha- तृणस्पर्श परिषहPain Inflicted by blades of grass. Trsna--Evarice, Non-satisfac
Eeighing balance.
Tundila - Pot bellied.
Turahivadaka तुरहीवादक - Trumpet blower.
Tuşamasabheinnam - तुषमार्षाभिन्नम् - The word tuşa maṣa stands for the concept that the body is absolutely distinct from the soul like the husk from the bean; Śrutas agara gives a story on this gatha and explains that phrase thus Tuṣa māṣa bhinnam iti yathā "sarirat atmā bhinnah."
Tyaga - Cessation, Abstinence, Relinquishment, Abnegation, Abdication, Abandonment, Vitiated state, renunciation.
Tyagi Abdicator, Forsaker. Tykta -- Abdicated, Renounced. Tyaga Giving up. Tyaga • त्याग - Gift is giving or bestowing knowledge etc.
Thala - Dish.
थ् (Th)
- Ravages.
द् (D)
DaityākāraJalacara- दैत्याकार जलचरAquatic monster.
Half petals.
Dala salaka nanaguṇa hani - G शलाका - ( नानागुण हानि) Various geometric regression.
Dama - Restraint of mind.
Damsa - Maska -- Insectbites. Danda - Stick, punishment. Danda chadya - दण्ड छाद्य - Straight ribbed awning cave projection. Dāntedāra torana - दाँतेदार तोरण Engrailed arches.
दन्तिदुर्ग (Danti durga) - With the Rāṣṭrakūta monarch Dantidurga we see the ascendancy of Jainism in the Rāṣṭra kūta territories. He honoured one of the greatest figures in all Jaina history Acārya Akalamka deva. Amazing as it is, the field and period of work of both the heroes - one belonging to the realm of state and the other to the spiritual kingdom - was one and the same. Jainism outshone all else with the combined support and wisom of these two personalities. In south India while king Dantidurga subdued the powerful Chatukyas under their king Kartav irya Akalan ka won a great victory over his