Book Title: Sudha Sagar Hindi English Jaina Dictionary
Author(s): Rameshchandra Jain
Publisher: Gyansagar Vagarth Vimarsh Kendra Byavar
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Jina-f-The word Jina literally means "the victor". One who has freed himself from the bondage of Karma by conquering Raga (attachment) and dveşa (aversion) is called a Jina by the Jainas. In Buddhist scripture the word Jina is often used as a synonym to Buddha. In the lexicon called Amarakoṣa and in popular Sanskrit literature, the use of the word Jina to signify Buddha is too common. The Buddhists take the word Jina to mean one who has conquered Māra. But the word Jina is used in a special sense by the Jainas. The Ganadharas or disciples ofTirthamkaras and the Tirthamkaras themselves are known as Jinas, Jinendras, Jines varas etc.
Dr. Page-2. Jinadharma-for- Jainism. Jinakalpika sūtra - जिन कल्पिक सूत्र - The image or appearance of Jina. Jinakalpi sādhu - जिनकल्पी साधु - Ascetic who observes rules in their strict form.
Jinamudra - जिनमुद्रा - The image or appearance of Jina Jinagrhaf - A jain temple. Jina pratima - जिन प्रतिमा - An image of a Jina, An idol of Tirthamkaras. Jina sasana जिनशासन - Jainism. Jina vacana - जिनवचन - Great preaching of Jinas. Jinavani-for-Speech of words of a Tirthamkara.
Jinālaya - जिनालय - Temple of Jina, The conqueror of passions. Jinendra-f- A Tirthamkara. -fog-ATirthamkara.
Jines vara
Jinottama-for- ATirthamkara. Jitamoha - जितमोह - Conqueror of delusion.
Jirna - जीर्ण - Worn.
Jirņ oddhārita - जीर्णोद्धारित - Restored. Jiva Organism, Life, A soul, Bios, Living.
आत्मा का स्वरूप The soul is essentially consciousness, undergoes modifications; is adoer (of acts); is the direct enjoyer (of the fruits of its acts); is of the same extent as its body; is different in each individual and being attached to material elements has birth and rebirths. The soul attains through right knowledge and right conductits emancipation which consists in the annihilation of all the karmas. P. 7/56-57. -Jiva-Jiva is characterised by upayoga, is formless and an agent, has the same extent as its own body, is the enjoyer (of the fruits of karma), exists in Samsara, is Siddha and has a characteristic upward motion. Dr. 2 Jiva is established to (refute) Cārvāk, its characteristic of having upayoga consisting of Jana and Dar sana is said to (refute) the followers of Nyaya, that of Jiva being formless to (refute) Bhatta (i.e. those who follow kumarila Bhatta, the propounder of one branch of Mimamsa philosophy and Cārvāk, that of the agency of Karma to (refute the) Samkhya (view), that of having the same extent of its body is expressed to refute the three, viz, the Nyaya, mimamsa and Samkhya views that of the enjoyment of (the fruits of) karma is said to refute the Buddhistic view that of being in the Samsara to refute