Book Title: Sudha Sagar Hindi English Jaina Dictionary
Author(s): Rameshchandra Jain
Publisher: Gyansagar Vagarth Vimarsh Kendra Byavar
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(from a man's soul) in the same fashion as it does posion (from a man's body). Yoga - 382. जप का स्थान (The place of the performance of Japa) - The noble ones are of the view that a Japa ought to be performed either in front of the deity concerned or by the side of water free from dirt or in a well-formed grove of trees. Yoga - 383. Japamala - जपमाला - Rosary. Jarayu (R)- The web-like covering of the young one, which is composed of flesh and blood, is the outer skin of embryo.
Jala • जाल - Cobwebs. Jalavatayana - जाल वातायन - latticed windows.
Jalaka -- Trelis-work, Usually on the windows of the Sikhara. Jalikauf
- Latticed window.
Jali - जाली - Lattice.
Jaliyukta - जालीयुक्त Latticed. Jananendriya-Membrum vir
Janma kalyanaka - जन्म कल्याणक Birth Lustration.
Janghā - जड्ङ्घा - Niches.
Jatif Genus of beings, Class. Jatināma karma - जातिनाम कर्म - The grouping together of beings which are alike is Jāti or class. That which is the cause of this is the name Karma of class. It is of five kinds - The class of beings with one sense, the class of beings with two senses, the class of beingsa with three senses, the class of beings with four senses, the class of beings with five senses. That, on the rise of which a being is called one
sensed, is the name karma of the class of one sensed beings. Similarly, it must be understood with regard to the rest. S-8/12.
Jatismarana-fa--Recollection of past lives.
- Sui generis, that is, the combination of identity and difference in a real is not a numerical summation but a vital synthesis of the two elements. Each such synthesis is also said to be unique, in the sense that when the real is analysed the two elements of identity and difference exhaust between themselves the entire content of the real, although they display a distinctive structural and functional individuality not found in the individual constituent elements in their combination. This is illustrated by the oft quoted instance of Narsimha (the man-lion): As the name itself suggests, Narsimha is a combination of Nara (man) and Simha (lion). Nevertheless, it indicates a being which is somehow different in its combination, from the parts severally entering into its making, although it is imipossible to get such a being outside the parts in question.
Harmful effects 197
Jatyuttara--Sophism, Counterfeit, Rejoinder.
Jatyantara vada जात्यन्तरवाद - The theory of Uniqueness. Jijñāsā -f - Inquiry, Inquisi
Jigi su-foring-One who wants victory, Inquisitive persons.
Jina f The victor, The spiritual victor, Conqueror A synonym for Tirthamkara.