Book Title: Sudha Sagar Hindi English Jaina Dictionary
Author(s): Rameshchandra Jain
Publisher: Gyansagar Vagarth Vimarsh Kendra Byavar
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exterior self becomes the transcenden. tal self by means of the interior self. S.J.P. 281. SIN - (Dhyāna) - The concentration of the thought on a particular object is dhyāna.
T. Su IX. 27 las gira (Pure self) - Pure self is with out taste, colour, without smell, imper. ceptible to touch, without sound, notan objectofanum ānaor inferential knowl- edge, without any definite bodily shape and is charaiterized by cetanā (consciousness). In the (pure) soul there is neither desire nor aversion. No delu- sion is found therein. There is nokarmic condition, nor karmic matter, nor non karmic matter in it. In the (pure) soul there is no varga (atomic potency), no vargaņā (molecules or group of at
molecules or group of al- oms), no spardhaka (aggregates of molecules). There is no ego consciousness of different types and no (karmic)manifestations (resulting in pleasure - pain experience). In the (pure) soul there is no activity of yoga (Through mana, vacana, kāya), no karmic bondage, no effective manifestation of karma and no variations according to method of inquiry into the nature of the soul (based upon the principle of classification). In the pure soul there is no stage of duration of bondage or of emotional excitement of self purification or of the acquisition of self control. The classification of the organic beings (according to the principle of biological development) and the classification of man (according to the principle of ethico - spiritual development) are not applicable to the pure soul, since all the above mentioned differences are the result of the manifestation of the material conditions.
Ekendriya Ji va taga ila - Jivas such as earth bodied ones are of five differant castes. All of them are devoid of mental states. They have a single sense. So are they described in the scripture. Just as life or cetanā is associated with unconsciousness in the following cases eggs, foetus growing in mother's womb and the man in a trance so also the monosensic organisms are unconcious, though having life or cetana. also vila - Sea snail, cowrie shell fish, conch shell fish, mother O'Pearl and earth worm are organisms which have two senses, touch and taste. Hence are they bisensic. gifsa sita - The louce, the bug, thered and ordinary scorpion, the ant and other insects have three senses and are triacsthetic. agfifise uita – The gadfly, the mosquito, the fly, the bee, the beetle and the dragon fly and butterfly - these organisms experience, touch, taste, smell and sight hence they are quadraesthetic-have four senses. wafaa vila - Devas, human beings, hell beings and higher animals all these have five senses; colour, taste, smell, touch and sound. Some of the animals are water animals, some land animals and some birds of the air. There are very strong ones also among these. Allah - According to the Jainas Loka is arrangedin three orders, the lower world, the middle world and the upper world. In the upper world there are differant regions one above the other, so also in the lower world. The different regions of the upper world are inhabited by Devas. The differant regions of the lower