Book Title: Sudha Sagar Hindi English Jaina Dictionary
Author(s): Rameshchandra Jain
Publisher: Gyansagar Vagarth Vimarsh Kendra Byavar
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worldone below the other are inhabited by beings thrown into hell. Gala - Devas are said to be of four kinds - Bhavanavāsis, Vyantara, Jyotiskas, Kalpavasis or Vaimanikas. Each class is further subdivided into several species. Each subclass has its own special characteristic periods of
नारकियों के भेद - The hell beings are seven, according to the hells inhabited by them. The seven hells are Ratna prabhā, Sarkarā Prabhā, Vālukā Prabhā, Pank Prabhā, Dhūma Prabhā, Tamah Prabhā, Mahatam Prabhā. The hell beings again have their respective characteristics of suffering, age and other psycho-physical characteristics with gradual intensity. These two classes of being are only of doctrinal importance to us. तिर्यञ्च तथा मनुष्यों के भेद- Theanimals are recognised to be of numerous species and buman beings again are divided into two classes-those born in Karma Bhoomi and those born in Bhoga Bhoomi. Giat a G - The first principle of division is the possession of a body. All the incarnate ones are said to be Saṁsārī Jivas and all the discarnate ones are Siddha Jivas or pure souls. But the former class is again sub-divided, the principle of division being the capacity to become perfect. Those Saṁsāri Jivas which have this capacity underspecial opportunities are called Bhavyas whereas those Samsāri Jivas which have no such capacity are called Abhavyas.
Fila - What knows and perceives the various objects pleasures and dreads pain, acts beneficially or harmfully and experiences the fruit thereof that is Jiva. Life has no sense qualities of taste, smell, colour and sound, It has no form either. It has only thought. Jiva samasa - जीव समास - Those (common characteristics) by which many (i.e. all mundane souls, though of many distinctions and kinds, may be distinguished by being collected into groups should be known as soul-class (Jiva samāsa). SamsariJiva- Hartita - Mundane living Abhavya Jiva - 37404 Fia - Unaccomplishable living Bhavya Jiva - 4o vita - Accomplishable living. Jivakāya - Tita 19 - A group or class of living beings. Ji va loka - gila Milho - The world of living beings. Ji vanmukta - Jiaal 45 - Emancipated. Livanmukti. Jaf5 - Emancipation while in the spans of mundane existence. Ji vanta swāmi pratimā - FC स्वामी प्रतिमा - Standing image of Mahāvira wearing a sloping back rest of the balconied window. Ji varasi. oia Ilgt - A collection of living beings. Ji va samā sa-Jita Hari - Soulclasses, Bios classification. Jiva sthā na - gita FIT - A state of soul, Bios station.