Book Title: Sudha Sagar Hindi English Jaina Dictionary
Author(s): Rameshchandra Jain
Publisher: Gyansagar Vagarth Vimarsh Kendra Byavar
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(115) means 'sky-clad' and Švetambara (2) The Digamibaras believe in the means 'white e d', i.e. the monks complete disappearance of the ancient of the Digamb are naked while
sacred literature of the Jainas and as
such disown the canonical books of the those of the Svetāmbaras wear white
Svetāmbaras. clothes. In fact there is very little dif
(3) The Digambaras assert that ference between the two branches as regards the essentials of doctrine. Mahāvira never married but a cording For example, the most authoritative to the Svetāmibaras Mahavira marbook of the Digambaras, viz, ried Yasoda and had a daughter from Tattvārth ādhigama Sūtra by her by name Anojja or Priyadarsanā. Umāsvāti is one of the standard books
(4) The Svetambaras consider also of the Svetāmbaras. However,
Mallinātha, the 19th Tirthařkara, as there are some major as well as minor
a female but the Digambaras state that tenets on which the two sections are
Mallinātha was a male. opposed to one another. The major
(5) According to Digambaras, the points of difference between the
Tirthamkaras must be represented as Digambaras and Svetämbaras are as
nude and unadorned, and with downfollows. (1) While the Diganibaras
cast eyes. This need not be so according believe that a monk who owns any property, ie., wears clothes, can not
to Svetāmbaras.
qan - Jaina Pūjā - (Jaina worship)attain salvation : the Svetāmbaras as
The kinds of worship in which idols are sert that the practice of complete nudity
dispensed with is regulated by what is is not essential to attain liberation. (2) The Digambaras bold the view that
known as Samaya - samācāra - vidhi, women are not entitled to Mok şain this:
which prescribes the adoration of cer
tain entities, concrete and abstract, held life. On the contrary the Svetāmbaras
sacred by Jainism. They are the five believe that women can reach Nirvāņa Paramesthins or exalted beings and the in this life.
three Jewels (Right belief, right knowl(3) According to the Digambaras, once
edge and right conduct). All these should a saint attained Kevala - Jrāna i.e. be visualized on a piece of birch bark or omniscience needed no food, but could cloth or wooden board or a slab of stone sustain life without eating, this view is or on sand or the earth or in the air or not acceptable to the Svetämbaras. in oneš heart. (1) The Digambaras mention that the The worshipper may also use an image embryo of Mahavira. the last of the Arhat and such worhip consists Tirtha n kara, was not removed from
of six items, viz. bathing and adoration
of the idol, hymns, silent prayer (Japa), the womb of Devānandā, a Brahmin
meditation and adoration of the presidlady, to that of Trišalā or Priyakariņi,
ing goddess of the scriptures a Ksatriya lady, as the Svetāmbaras (Srutadevatā). The first two items, contend.