Book Title: Sudha Sagar Hindi English Jaina Dictionary
Author(s): Rameshchandra Jain
Publisher: Gyansagar Vagarth Vimarsh Kendra Byavar
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Jagat pratara - जगत् प्रतर The universal line square.
Jagati-Platform, Usually. moulded, Terrace, Platform terrace. Jaghanya-- Minimum, Mini
Jaghanya guna - जघन्य गुण mum degree of attribute. Jaghanya krşti antara - जघन्य कृष्टि 3TR Minimal tract interval. Jaghanya paritananta - जघन्य परीतानन्त - Minimum preliminary innumer
Jaghanya yukta manta - जघन्य युक्तानन्तThe minimum secondary infinite. Jaina - A follower of Jina. Jalacara जलचर aquatic being. Jaladharanikasa kalasa EIRI
A five sensed
निकास कलश - Flowing vase.
Jala jantu
mals, water being. Jalakānta and Jalaprabha जलकान्त तथा जलप्रभ These are two lords of
Jala patra - जलपात्र - Bowl.
Jalan jali - जलाञ्जलि - Oblation of
Jala pra p chute, Drainage.
Jalla जल्ल Dirt of the body. Jallauşadhi - जल्लौषधि - The power by, which a disease is destroyed by mere contact with dirt of the body. Jallauşadhi rddhi- जल्लौषधि ऋद्धिWhere the sweat has acquired the power of heat.
- Aquatic ani
- जल प्रणालिका - Water
Jalpa--Disputation, wrangling. Jambudvipa - जम्बूद्वीप - A continent which is round and which is one hundred yojanas in diametre. Mount Meru is at the centre of this continent like the navel in the body. It is characterized by the Jambu tree. In the middle of Uttarkuru there is the Jambu tree, beginningless, made of earth, uncreated and surrounded by its satellites, this dvipa is marked by this tree. Janapada Katha - जनपद कथा - Stories of social and political life. Jana śruti -f - Rumour. Janghācarana - जङ्घाचरण - An ascetic who can move in the sky simply by patting the thighs.
Janma - Birth.
Garbha Janma - गर्भजन्म Uterine
Uppataja-3- Performed birth. Sammūrcchana Janma सम्मूर्च्छन जन्मAutomatic birth. Jantu Living being, Insect. Japa The muttering of a benedictory chant addressed to some deity.
Jarayuja-Umbilical birth in a yolksac as that of a child, Umbilical with a covering. Jatharagni-of- Digestive fire. Jatila - जटिल Complex, Compli
Jauhari -- Lapidary.
Jadya kumbha - जाड्यकुम्भ - Lowest moulding of pitha (socle) of amedieval temple.
Jagira - जागीर - Fief.