Book Title: Sudha Sagar Hindi English Jaina Dictionary
Author(s): Rameshchandra Jain
Publisher: Gyansagar Vagarth Vimarsh Kendra Byavar
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Karə ānuyoga - prigutu - Texts on cosmology, maths. Karmendriya - fisa - Consequences of the karmic operations. Karmodaya avastha - कर्मोदय अवस्था - Operative karmic matter, rising state of karmas. Karna-cuf - Quoin or comer, corner projection. Karnadhāra - auferre - Pilot. Karnakūta - pugne - Shrine or turret raised over the karņa or corner. Karņasrnga-chuf sjov - Turret rising over the karņa or corner. Karņikā - afurahan - Knife-edge moulding, thin filet - like moulding. Karşāgra - fulfy - Ear lobes. Karna pin da- abouffous - Ear lobes. Kartrtva - atera - Acting, Activity. Kartta - till - Agent, Doer, Subject. Karuņa - - Pathetic. Karuņa svara - of our FOR – Piteous cry. Kaşāya-0474 - Passion, Astringent. 2014 - The acāryas call (passion) as Kasāya (because) it ploughs (Kr sati) the field of soul's karmas, extending to (eternal and infinite) length of mundane existence and productive of huge crop of pleasure and pain or (those which) destroy (kşānti) the thought activities of right belief (HR4082),con- duct (aifa) with partial (de şa) and full (Sakala, vows),(and) ideal conduct (77864 aifa), (are) the passions (Kaşāyas). (Their) number (is) four, sixteenand innumerable (times the spatial units in) the universe.
Kaśāya-0474 - The passions - anger, pride deceitfulness and greed with their sub-divisions.
G.J. 162-63 para ang – The four passions areAnger (क्रोध),pride (मान),Deceit (माया) and greed (714). Each of these is of 4 kinds : Error feeding - अनन्तानुबन्धी - Which destroys right belief; partial-vow preventing = अप्रत्याख्यानावरण, which destgroys such right conduct as consists in the observance of partial vows : total vow preventing (प्रत्याख्यानावरण) which destroys suchright conductpreventing, संज्वलनwhich destroys ideal right conduct. Kasayasthana - कषाय स्थान - Degree of passion. Kaşāya samudghāta - 06914 Hugara - Passion overflow. Kasāyā vijaya-0474 fasta - Victory over kasāya, i.e. the great defects of anger, pride, treachery and greed. Kas āyatmā - RICH - All Jivas have the four great passions, hence are called kasāyātmā. Katāra - opare - Registers. Katā vacinha ofera forse - Slit marks. Katha ncit - aseifera - In some respect, Somehow, In a way, From a particular point of view. Kathā patta - 09/14ęc - Narrative panel. Kati -affe - Waist. Kati sūtra - afere - Girdle. Kattar - caçta - Devout." Kattu • कटु ( तमिल) Intervening octagonal portion between the bottom and top squares of a pillar.