Book Title: Sudha Sagar Hindi English Jaina Dictionary
Author(s): Rameshchandra Jain
Publisher: Gyansagar Vagarth Vimarsh Kendra Byavar
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URHEIT - (Foursa njñas)- Sanjalas are enuemerated as four viz. anxiety for food (ābāra sanjñā), fear (Bhaya sanjirā), attachment for worldly possessions (pari graha sanjñā), sexpassion (Maithuna - sanjirā). Yoga - page 24. Carikā. afchal - A nun. Caritra - alfa - Conduct, Character. Caritra - Alfa - Absorption in one's own self.
Pu. 216. Caritra - gifs - Cāritra does not mean the same thing as conduct asso ciated with an ordinary man. It must imply the pure and intrinsic activity of the spiritual entity which goes by the name of Paramātmā or the ego in itself. alfaya TSTUT - (The characterizing marks of acāritrin). To follow the path of rignteousness, to have faith (in religious truths), to have a liking for religious instruction, to be an admirer of spiritualmerits, to be highly preserying, to initiate acts that are noble and fall within one's capacities - these are the characterizing marks of a cāritrin. Just as a blind man, who finds himself in the midst of a dense forest but in whose care the karmas responsible for the experience of pain are not fructifying for the time being, happens to properly pursue his path avoiding ditches etc., similarly this man, who might possibly lack the scriptural guid- ance that acts as eyes and who finds himself in the midst of the dense forest of the form of worldly existence, but in whose case the karmas responsible for the experience of plentiful pleasure are fructifying for the time being, properly
pursues his path (i.e. the paths of rigteousness) avoiding sinful acts etc.
Yoga - 352-355. Cāritra bheda - art - types of character. Caritra dharma - affer - Conduct attribute. Caritra-moha - Tifa ATE - Conduct deluding karmas. Caritramoha ksapaka • चारित्रमोह
48- The destroyer of conduct deluding karmas. Caritra mohaniya karma - चारित्रHisia - Conduct deluding karmas, Conduct infatuating karmas. Cāritrātmā. af ETCHI - The jivas who are on the path of right conductare called caritrātmā. Caritra vinaya - Sifa fonty - Reverence to conduct. Absorption in conduct with knowledge and faith is reverence to conduct.
S-9/23. Caritrin - GRA - An ascetic. Cāturya ma dharma - angefa - The four fold law. The Four vows, the law of four vows. viz - Non violence, Non - falsehood, Non - stealing and non- possession. Celakhan da - AIGUE - A piece of cloth. EMN - Celanā was the queen of the king of Magadba. It was through her tact and religious zeal that her husband Srenika Bimbasāra was converted to Jainism. She was a great Philosopher and was full of piety and religious fervour. She was sixth daughter of Cetaka. Cetaka - gece - He was king of Vaišali. He was very famous, polite