Book Title: Sudha Sagar Hindi English Jaina Dictionary
Author(s): Rameshchandra Jain
Publisher: Gyansagar Vagarth Vimarsh Kendra Byavar
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(89) Krodha anantānubandh i . stet Kudyastambha - geçer 19 - Pilaster. 3777/TCDi - Anger endlessly bond- Kuksi - got - Abdomen. ing.
Kula - - Family, The congregation Krodhaapratyakhyana-क्रोध अप्रत्या- of disciples of a common teacher, geGIF - Anger Non-confutational.
nus, Lineage. Krodha samjvalana . क्रोध संज्वलन -
Fourteen kulakaras - BiGe game - Gleaming anger, Anger fluoroscent.
The first kulakara was Pratišruti, when
the trees that shed strong light around Krodha upasamaddha -क्रोध उपश
them, in the state of the bhogabhūmi 4151 - Anger subsidence priod.
desappeared and the sun and the moon Krmi - oft - Worm.
became visible, the people who saw Krsna sa cup - Black.
them for the first time, were alarmed. It hout Parita (Krsna II) - Krsna II was Pratišruti who understood the cause was the son and successor of of their appearance by his superior Amoghavarsa. He also was a devout
wisdom. He explained too them that the Jaina and a brave warrior and wise
light of the trees had been to powerful monarch. His preceptor was the Jaina
thus fār to enable the sun and the moon Guru Guņabhadrācārya, who com
to be seen but now that illumination had pleted his uttarapurāņaduring his reign.
paled they became visible. The division His court was a resort for Jaina schol
of day and night dates from his time. It ars.
A. 81 was the day of Pūrņamāsi in the month Krşti - qafe - Tract.
of A sadha, when the sun and the moon Krşti(bādara)- ente (algt) - Tract became visible in the sky, and it may be
taken to be the first beginning of unregross.
corded history and measurable time. Krstisangrahasiksma कृष्टि संग्रह-.
In the time of Prati śruti some sort of 79 - Tract collection, fine.
kingship also came to be recognized Krta - - Performed by oneself.
and established. But it was still very Krta krtya vedaka - gard166 inchoate. Offences were rare, the people Achiever pathetic.
being simple folk, who were strangers Krtimātrkādhāra - afai HIÇOTER -
to trickery and deception. It was suffiSquare generation sequence.
cient to deter them from a wrongful act
to say "ha'. This was the only law that Krtaj ñ atā - DCF - Gratiude.
did duty for preventive measures, durKrti - zla - Square, Figuration. ing the time of the first five kulakaras Kșaņa - 80 - Moment.
(wise men).'! Ksipta vitāna - Para fanta - A con
Sanmati was the second kulakara. In bis cave.
time the light of the trees had faded into Kubjaka - stractch - The hunch backed
significance, and even the stars became
visible in the sky. He was able to spot body, Dwarf.
the constellations and may be said to be