Book Title: Sudha Sagar Hindi English Jaina Dictionary
Author(s): Rameshchandra Jain
Publisher: Gyansagar Vagarth Vimarsh Kendra Byavar
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(107) king, because of a slight offered by of great Mauryan empire, which behim. Both of them became friends and came famous for the steel frame." of its Cāņakyà undertook the generous duty admimistration and highly organised of teaching and training the young civil service. India then became united prince. When this enterprising and and entirely free from any foreign agChivalorous prince heard of the Greek gression. invasion on the N.W. frontier of India, Candra Gupta became an active and he proceeded with his friends to the keen member of the Jaina Church when Punjab and befriended the Macedonian he accepted as his spiritual preceptor Monarch. But he had hardly been many the Jaina sage Bhadrabāhu, who predays in Greek camp when he exch dicteda twelve years famine in northern anged hot words with Alexander the India. When this great famine occurred great. Fromaksatriya youth like Candra and Bhadrabahu with his large commuGupta, brought up in the traditions of nity of the Jaina sages retired to south free aryans, it was not to be expected India, Candra Gupta abdicated in favour that he could stand the humiliation of of his son Bidnusarā and accompanied insult and an alliance with an aggressor: the Jaina Guru. He practised austerities of his motherland.' The subter fuge
at Śravanabelgolā in mysore, where ended and he set himself to work for the
his nameis still held in highesteem. The freedom and unification of India. Col
hill containing the foot prints of his lecting a formidable froce of the war
preceptor is called Candra Basadi. With like and predatory clans a "War of
its carved and decorated walls portrayliberation" against the foreigners be
ing scenes from the life of the great gan. But first he avenged his father's death by overthrowing the Nanda king
emperor and performing Sallekhanā,
Candra Gupta attained heaven from this of Magadba, and got from him a huge
hill. An order of Jaina munis was also army. He then attacked the Macedonian
started in his sacred memory, which garrisons and conquerred the Punjab as
was called Candra Gupta Gaņa. well as Sind. Further attempts made by
The fact that he was a Digambara Jaina the Greeks under Seleucos Nikator, the Satrap (Governor) of western Asia to
can be further proved from the inscriprecover the Indian dominion ended in tion no. 40 at Sravanabelagolā at a treaty with the victorious hero of Mysore.
A. 71-74. India, according to which, the whole of Candova - acetan - Awning. Afghānistān became incorporated into Candrasha. चन्द्रशिला - Lowest step the empire of Magadha and the Greek
shaped like halfmoon. Satrapalso gave his beautiful daughter,
Cangeri. - Casket. Helena, in marriage to his Indian rival. With the end of the above campaign,
Cara - or - Mobile, A Mobile living the victor turned in armies against the south and came back with complete Carama - ETH - Ultimate, final, Last, success. Candra Gupta now became that which comes at the end. S-2/53. the first emperor of India and the founder