Book Title: Sudha Sagar Hindi English Jaina Dictionary
Author(s): Rameshchandra Jain
Publisher: Gyansagar Vagarth Vimarsh Kendra Byavar
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Ghrnā - eur - Disgust. Ghrāņa - 31 - Sense of smell. Ghranendriya - sulfsen - The organ of smell. Ghumā vadāra pāe - GHI9GR TCurved legs Ghumavadarachalle - घुमावदार छल्ले - Spiral curls.
da (Ch
Cabūtarā - alacker - Dias, Platform.
ita - Among the Taranapanth is, the religious building is known as chaityālaya which, according to them, means Granthālaya, that is, house of sacred books. Caitya layar - The religious building temple enshrining the Jina image temple where Jainas idol is in- stalled for worship and adoration. Cakra - Elsh - The cakra is a divine weapon which would seem to be attracted by the magnetism of certain really great kings. Possessor is known as cakravarti (The owner or wielder of the Cakra). There have been only twelve cakravartis (Emperors) in Bhāratavarsa, since the commencement of the present cycle, which began untold millions of ages ago. R. Page 23. Cakravartins - Estacit - They are monarchs of all the six parts of Bhārata Kșetra or Airāvata kşetra. They are twelve in each cycle of time in each of the two regions. Kinds of Cakravartins - चक्रवर्ती के 7- They are of two kinds. An
Arddhacakravartin rules over three out of six parts of one of the two kşetras, each consisting of one Arya khanda and 5 Mlecceha - khan da. Sakala Cakravartins rule over all the six parts of a kşetra. Cakra ratna - Eg67 - Wheel-jewel. Caitya - - A temple, Omniscience, the jina image. Cakravartin - ashaidz - A sovereign king. Cakrin - afsty - Same as cakravartin. Caks udarsana - gyfa - Ocular perception, Perception through the eyes, Perception through visual senses. Caksudarsanavarana-चक्षुदर्शनावरण - Ocular vision screen. Caksurindriya - चक्षुरिन्द्रिय - Sense organ of sight, Ocular sense. Calata . ESIT - Being mobile. Camaka - 274055 - Glitter. Camara - 7 - Flywhisk. Camara and Vairocana (चमर तथा
tea) - These are the two lords of asurakumāras. Camaradhari . RERT - Cauri bearer. Flywhisk bearer. Camatkāra - 4rt - Supernaturals. Cañ calată. Basta - Quivering. Camkramanamarga- चंक्रमण मार्ग, - Promenade. Candana kalasa - GG ORASTET - Pot of sandal wood paste. UGST - Candanā - She was the daughter of king Cetaka of Vaisāli. She was appointed as the head of the order of nuns by Tirthamkara Mahāv ira. Her example has ever inspired the fair sex