Book Title: Sudha Sagar Hindi English Jaina Dictionary
Author(s): Rameshchandra Jain
Publisher: Gyansagar Vagarth Vimarsh Kendra Byavar
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(103) Pramatta samyata - प्रमत्त संयत - Im- Gunitakarmamsika-गुणित कर्माशिक perfectly regulated control station. - Maximal functinal accumulation. Apurva karana . अपूर्वकरण - Un- Gunita ksapita karma msika - JfOTC precedented operation.
क्षपित कर्माशिक - Maximal annihilated Anivrtti karana - अनिवृत्तिकरण - In
functional. variant operation.
Gun akāra - Tur - Multiplier. Sūkşma samparaya - 114474 -
Gupha - 191 - Cave. Fine strategy. Upaśānta kasāya - 34201277 0979.
Gurulaghu - Joms - Heavy and light. Subsided affection.
Guru sparsa - Te psf - Heavy touch. Kshina kasaya - क्षीण कषाय - Ex
Gupti - Thar - That, by which the soul
is protected from the causes of transmihausted, spent affection.
gration is control (Gupti). S-9/2. Ayogakevalī. Betra asta
Gupti - Tifa - Control, Restraint, Soul Volitionless omniscient.
protection. Sayoga kevali . m Stani
Guru - TF - The preceptor, Jupitor, Volitionful omniscient. .
Heavy. Gun atva - Tura - Qualitybood, Guru Sparsa - To pusf - Gravity Attributeness.
touch. Gunā. To - Multiplication.
Gurutva- Tora - gravitationalmotion. Gunakara salika. गुणाकार शलाका Gurubhaktiman • गुरुभक्तिमान् - De- Multiple counting.
voted to the guru. Guņa dhya. Tug4 - Rich in virtues Guru varga - Tramp - Elders. Guņāmša - quiRT - Control degree.
Toort - (Guruvarga) - By elders, the Gun antara samkrama - quippe
cultured people understand the followFish4- Geometri interval transition.
ing group of personages, mother, fa
ther, the teacher of an art, the relatives Gunavratas - Tun- Abstaining from
of these etc. the aged ones, the preachdirection, abstaining from country or ers of religion. Yoga - 110. region, Abstaining from purposeless
Tartal - (The worship of elders)sinful activity. These three are called
By worship of the elders is to be underGunavratas, as the word vrata is added
stood the act of bowing to these elders on to every one of these. These enhance
thrice a day - i.e. in the morning, noon the value of the five vows.
and evening - and if that is perchance Guņ adhika - Junfeta - Virtuous -
not possible bowing to them after duly The virtuous are those in whom right calling them to mind. Again this worknowledge etc. bound. S-7/11 ship comprises that act of rising up etc. Guniyā - ufren - Trying angle. done in the honour of these elders, to sit Gun ideśa - Tfuck- The residence of
silently (i.e. without being vocal) in a substance.
their presence, not to utter their name at