Book Title: Sudha Sagar Hindi English Jaina Dictionary
Author(s): Rameshchandra Jain
Publisher: Gyansagar Vagarth Vimarsh Kendra Byavar
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an improper place, never to listen to the things said against them, to offer themaccording to one's capacity the best sort of clothes etc. always to enable them to undertake auspicious performances that would yield them result in the world beyond, to give up practices that are not to their liking and to undertake those that are though these two attitudes should be kept within the bounds of propriety by not letting them come in conflict with the demands of religion etc. not to use their seating material etc, to dedicate their valuables to some pilgrimage centre (like temple etc), to set up their portraits and furnish them to the accompaniment of due ceremonies (or to furnish to the accompaniment of due ceremonies the portraits of deities setup by them) toperform their funerary rites most appropriately (i.e. most reverentially) Yota 111-115
घ् (Gh)
Ghana Cube. Ghanatva-Density.
Ghanavata valaya - घनवात वलय Circle of dense air. Ghanamula - Cube root. Ghanaghana -- Cubic equation.
Ghanaghana matrkā- घनाघन मातृका - Square non square generating. Ghana ngula--Cubic finger. Ghanodadhivata valaya - धनोदधिवातवलय - Circle of humid atmosphere. Ghata -- Vessel.
Ghata cataka moksa - घट चटक मोक्षPot breaking immediate salvation.
Ghata pallava -- Moulding. Ghata pallava - घट - पल्लव - Design of pot and foliage. Ghanta - Bell
Ghantā kalasa - घण्टा कलश finial.
Ghataka - - Destructive. Ghati-af-Destructive. Ghatikarma - घातिकर्म Destructive
Gholama na
घातिकर्म तथा अघाति कर्म - The (knowledge and conation) obscuring, the deluding and the obstructive are destructive (f); because of their destroying the (menifestation of the) real attributes of the soul. And the age, the body making the family determining and the feeling these are non-destuctive. Perfect knowledge, perfect conation, infinite power and purified right belief and other purified qualities (as conduct, charity etc.), sensitive (knowledge) and other destructive though activities are destroyed (i.e., their full menifestation is prevented by these destructive karmas).
1- घोलमान - Unstable phase
with decrease.
Ghora para karma rddhi - घोर पराक्रम ऋद्धि - The acquisiton of super normal will power in the accomplishment of tapāscaraṇa under the most trying of conditions.
Ghora brahmacarya rddhi - घोर ब्रह्मचर्य ऋद्धि The accomplishment of supremely unfaltering type of celibacy that is not sullied even in dream: Ghosahina-- Improperly ac