Book Title: Sudha Sagar Hindi English Jaina Dictionary
Author(s): Rameshchandra Jain
Publisher: Gyansagar Vagarth Vimarsh Kendra Byavar
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(100) 7.37947 Fiera - Apramatta samyata- Bādara Samparāya - Sāmparāya The seventh stage is called Apramatta means warfare. Bādara means gross. samyata. In this stage the tendency to warfare or conflict with gross desires be attached by the outer things is thor- and impulses of this soul. oughlyover-come. Spiritual strength is 10. START-Sūkşmasāmparāyafirmly established. Spirit has conquered The tenth stage is the stage of the same the body. This stage is the critical stage
spiritial warfare when the subtle imin the spiritual evolution. From here
pulses of the soul get destroyed. This begins the double path of higher spiri
stage also has representatives in either tual evolution. One path leads to abso
ladder, i.e. as the result of the spiritual lute perfection and the other relative struggle the gross and subtle desires perfection. The former is associated may either be rooted out or suppressed. with the annihilation of karmas. The
One who roots them out is kśapaka and latter with the suppression of them. The
one who suppresses them is upašamaka. former is called Kșapka śren i, the ladderofannihilation, the latter is called
11.34911777474 – Upašānta Kaşāya
The eleventh stage is the stage where upa šama śreņi - the ladder of pacifi
spiritual peace is secured, but here peace cation of karmas.
is the result of suppression. Hence it 8 39 anul - Apūrvakaraņa - The may not be quite secure. The spiritual eighth stage represents the acquisition harmony may yet be disturbed, if it gets of a spiritual weapon called the first disturbed then there may be the misfor
tune of slipping down again. But the fall TORT 1 (Sukla dhyāna) This is an
will be to the apramatta guṇasthāna. instrument by help of which karmas are to be destroyed. This is a unique
from which the two śrenis branched off. Psychic force never before experienced 12. ajturdhury - Kșiņakaṣāya - The by the self. Hence it is to cut twelfth stage represents the correspond. (Apūrva Karana). This stage is repre- ing step in the ladder of annihilation i.e. sented in both the ladders of
after the destruction of subtle and gross developement : Upašamaka and
desires with the help of Sukla Dhyāna Kšapaka i.e. self in this stage may be
the self may go to Kșiņa Kaşayasthāna in the path of annihilation or in that of which is the twelfth. This is just below pacification of Karmas.
the stage of perfection. 9. ufagfachtur - Anivrttikarana - 13. Henricharrit - Sayogakevali - This Theninth stage represents spiritual war stage is certainly the stage of perfect fare, equipped with the weapon of emancipation. Kavela Jrāna is reached Shukla Dhyāna. Self the warrior, de
but there is still yoga (mind, speech and stroys the grosser desires. This spiri
body). Hence this stage is called tual warfare is also associated with सयोगकेवली sayogakevati the kevali both the paths of development. who has still yoga.