Book Title: Sudha Sagar Hindi English Jaina Dictionary
Author(s): Rameshchandra Jain
Publisher: Gyansagar Vagarth Vimarsh Kendra Byavar
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(86) Kāya mārganā - para arton - Body. A standing posture of meditation, soul quest.
:: giving up attachment to the body. Kāya mārgaņā sthana - op for Astanding posture of meditation, pecuFer- Corpous (wayward station).
liar to the Jaina monks. Literally, it
means giving up (attachment to the Kayapravicara- काय प्रवीचार-Copu
body. Jaina stories vol. II P. 178 lation.: :
• Withdrawl of attention from the Kāya samita - Prefa - Careful in body (physical personality) and its bebodily activity.
coming absorbed in contemplation of Kāya suddhi - Aparice - The purity
the spiritual self. of the body.
Austerity performed by standing moKāyatva - opera - Spatiality.
tionless in a specific posture, same as
khadgāsana of the posture adopted by corruim - (Kāyayoga) - Activity of
standing Tirthamkaras. dorura (Types of Kāyayoga).
Kendra - a - Nucleus. Kāyayoga is of seven types :- (1) Kesi - axít - Acārya in pārsva traAudārika - the normal body of a human dition who was a contemporary of lord or animal/bird/insect. (2) Audārika
Mahāvira mišra- A body comprising both the nam e - Kevali Samudghata Aaudārika and the karmāņa body to
(Omniscient overflow) is the emana
tion when in some cases the soul of an gether. (For a worldly Jiva two bodies
omniscient being (of course a mobile) are always intermingled with the ātman:
expands throughout the whole universe Kārmāna - the karmic particles and
and then contracts back. This is also a Taijasa - particles, which give heat to
case in which mobile soul goes outside all bodily activities). (3) Vaikriyaka
the mobile channel - the normal body of the denizens of hell and heaven. (4) Vaikriyaka Misra - the
Kevala vyatirekt þetu/Anumāna · vikriya and karma body together (5) ag aften gra44979- Discordant Ahāraka - Those who know almost the negative infèrence. entire scriptures create this Astral body , Kevala darsana- 0948 gift - perfect under special circumstances and (6) conation, Perception through infinite Ābāraka misra- the Āhāraka and perception, Omniscient perception. karmabody together and (7) Kārmāņa Kevala darsanā varaṇa - 019- A body composed of the karmic par
Haut- Perfect vision screen. ticles.
Kevala Jñana. 200 31 - OmniKayaduspranidhana- कायदुष्प्रणिधान
science, Perfect knowledge, Infinite - Vicious bodily activity.
knowledge. Kāya vargana, ti amon- Organ
"Kevala Jñana (#081514) - Perfect of the body.
knowledge - That for the sake of which the seekers pursue the path by external